Savant – Ascent Remix is here!
Following on from their 2013 success with Savant Ascent, D-Pad Studio have “remixed” the hugely popular title to make give it a little modern-day injection and re-release their much-loved game with more content, more music and two new modes.
Having finally managed to tear myself away from Steam, I have decided that it would be nigh-on criminal for me to not put pen to paper and share my thoughts.

Savant – Ascent Remix – Story
After a sinister orb of light casts Savant out of his home and filling his surroundings with deadly threats, you have nothing left to do but fight back. Help Savant reach the top of the tower by shooting, dodging and often screaming your way to reclaiming his home.
Yes, I admit, the storyline leaves a lot to the imagination but it’s enough to tie the game together nicely. Besides, with the ridiculously addictive gameplay seen in Savant – Ascent Remix, a storyline isn’t really needed. This game was made with one sole purpose; to bring chaotic fun to the gaming massses.

The Colorful World of Savant Ascent Remix – Graphics
Considering the very low computer specifications needed to run Savant – Ascent Remix, the game adopts retro vibes while, at the same time, offering stunning colorful graphics that are simple yet very easy on the eye. The character and enemy design in the game are creative, well-executed and wide in variety, keeping you on your toes as you grit your teeth and face the chaos head-on.

Savant – Ascent Remix – Gameplay
As we all know, simplicity is often key to a truly addictive game, and that’s the exact ethos that D-Pad Studio have adopted while making Savant – Ascent Remix. While your screen is filled with striking scenery, you are limited to the center portion and can roll, jump, double-jump, fire and use your special attack within the small space.

Yes, I admit, this doesn’t sound all that great, but the limitations fit perfectly with how the game plays. Instead of having to worry about what’s happening at the edges of the screen, you can lay your focus on your immediate area and dodging out of the way of incoming attacks – of which there will be many.
Firing is done by using the right trigger and the aiming is all done on the right stick, with ‘A’ to jump and right or left on the D-pad to roll out of the way of danger. The simplicity of Savant – Ascent Remix quickly becomes the game’s crowning glory as you find yourself pulled further and further into its addictive charms.

The Musical Score of Savant – Ascent Remix
Savant – Ascent Remix is actually named after the game’s musical composer and it quickly becomes apparent that the soundtrack is the beating heart of the game. The wonderfully crafted music perfectly fits the madcap energy that oozes from the very pores of this superb title. It’s dramatic where it needs to be dramatic and mellow when the situation calls for it and invariably the musical scores used blends seamlessly with your gameplay.
I don’t often write about the music of a game, but with Savant – Ascent Remix, there was a real call to give it a special mention. Notably, if you enjoy the soundtrack (which it’s highly likely you will) it can be purchased on Steam to enjoy as and when you wish.

Savant – Ascent Remix – Summary
There’s a lot to enjoy about Savant -Ascent but sadly it’s a pretty short-lived game. However, with the new Survival and Hardcore modes comes a way to get far more out of the game than just the core story.
With its superbly addictive nature, musical score and character design, Savant Ascent – Remix is the ideal platformer to draw you in and kill some serious time.
With its superbly addictive nature, musical score and character design, Savant Ascent - Remix is the ideal platformer to draw you in and kill some serious time.
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