They promised it and now, true to their word, they have delivered. The guys (and girls) of Awesome Games Studio have finally delivered a much-welcome update for their Summer release, Yet Another Zombie Survivors, and it’s packed with new content, weapon and item balancing tweaks. If this isn’t enough, Awesome Games Studio have finally answered our prayers and gifted their adoring masses with an online leaderboard. Now we can slay those undead hordes and climb the freshly introduced competitive ladders under the watchful gaze of fellow slayers from all corners of the world.

To further sweeten the pot, AGS have crafted their leaderboard to cover all difficulty levels and different releases of the game. However, if you’re lucky enough to find yourself in the top 3, you will be asked to upload a gameplay video to the developers. A fresh display of a development studio wanting to wheedle out the dishonest among us.
Bugfixes, QoL Updates and More
Of course, this latest heaven-sent update doesn’t just offer an all-new leaderboard. Yet Another Zombie Survivors has been treated to a makeover in all departments. A field guide is now available from the menu to assist your zombie-popping ways and in learning all about your surroundings. Serving as an in-game Wikipedia, the field guide will hold the answer to most of the questions that will inevitably arise as you venture forth into your journey.

Awesome Games Studio have also integrated a plethora of new weapons and items, along with an expansive list of behind the scenes updates and quality of life features. With too many additions and tweaks to mention, it’s clear to see just how many improvements have been painstakingly added to Yet Another Zombie Survivors.
When I heard of this update, I was expecting a handful of new items and maybe one or two graphical changes, but it was soon apparent that a lot of love and effort had been spent on this huge update.
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