VVVVVV Switch Review

Now Switching Gravity

VVVVVV is unquestionably a unique title for a game but do not let that distract you. This Commodore-64 inspired platformer is just as creative as its name.

The gimmick behind VVVVVV is simple; tapping a face button causes the playable character to fall in the opposite direction instead of jumping.  While it is not a Metroidvania because the player doesn’t gain new abilities along the way, the map system and overall environment design mimics that of Nintendo or Konami exploratory RPG.  Using this gravity flipping mechanic could have been a feature that grows tedious but the strong level design and sense or progression is always satisfying and addicting.

The player should expect to die a lot.  In fact, don’t be surprised if flipping your way through certain areas requires dozens of restarts.  Luckily, a checkpoint is never more than a few seconds away and the game instantly restarts, eliminating the need to annoyingly wait between deaths.  Also, the player will eventually venture through open areas, spike traps, auto-scrolling segments, rubber band bouncy cords, and instant kill enemies with a meaningful sense of balance; some new hazard is thrown at the player just as you think assets are going to start to repeat.

A few minutes after starting the campaign, the player is free to explore the world at will and should be a haven for speed runners.  It should only take a few hours to complete the main story mode but there are plenty of optional collectables and unique challenges to complete.  The player can also adjust gameplay modifiers from the main menu as well, like giving the player invincibility, which should help players play through the game if they are having trouble. Also, the chiptune soundtrack is amazing and deserves a highlight.

VVVVVV capture 5

Bernoulli was a bird brain.

VVVVVV is a simple game at its core but is fleshed out into a full-blown, well designed experience built around a single gameplay element. If you have not yet played any of the other numerous VVVVVV ports, now would be a good time to check out this Switch version for the handheld and docking options.

Not As Good As: Fairune (3DS eShop or Vita)
Also Try: the Bit.Trip series
Wait For It: Super Meatboy Forever

By: Zachary Gasiorowski, Editor in Chief myGamer.com
Twitter: @ZackGaz


Our Rating - 8


Total Score

VVVVVV does one thing really, really well and results in a creative and memorable experience.

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