Turbo Kid is a retro exploration adventure based on the 2015 movie – Steam demo soon

Independent game development studioOuterminds is releasing the demo version of Turbo Kid, the BMX-powered pixel-art metroidvania based on the film of the same name, on September 26 on Steam.

In Turbo Kid, you will play as The Kid, a lone warrior on a journey to cross the Wasteland in a retro-like exploration adventure featuring the over-the-top hysterical gore that made the movie so much fun.

Originally funded on Kickstarter, Turbo Kid raised up to $132k USD due to the support of 1936 backers. The video game is the sequel to the cult post-apocalyptic movie released back in 2015.

“When devising a Turbo Kid video game, we wanted to honor the essence of the film, mainly, to make a game that includes everything we love about the 80s and 90s with a modern twist”, says Guiz de Pessemier, Co-Founder at Outerminds.

Inspired by legendary run-and-gun platformers like Mega Man X, Super Metroid, and Out of this World, Turbo Kid allows you to explore the different zones and defeat bosses in the order you see fit, as you make choices that will affect the process of the game.


  • BRAND NEW STORY set between the end of Turbo Kid
    and the upcoming Turbo Kid sequel developed in collaboration with RKSS
    and EMA Films, the creators of the franchise.
  • OVER THE TOP GORE, rendered in glorious pixel-art and painstakingly precise ragdoll physics.
  • BIKE THROUGH LEVELS in the first metroidvania to include access to the height of human-powered transport technology: the All-Terrain Bike!
  • COLLECT TURBO SKILLS! In the style of classic metroidvanias, discover new power-ups and weapons to make your journey smoother.
  • PLAY AS THE KID OR AS APPLE, the fan favorite character from the film.
  • SPEED-RUNNABLE DESIGN for hardcore gamers, made possible by a fluid and non-invasive narrative design.
  • NON-LINEAR NARRATIVE allows you to complete the game in whichever order you see fit and make decisions that will change the outcome of the game.
  • KICKASS NEW SOUNDTRACK BY LE MATOS, electronic band extraordinaire and creators of the film’s soundtrack.
  • IN GAME COMIC BOOK, collect all the pages to recreate a brand new story drawn by JEIK DION.
  • IN GAME CASSETTE PLAYER, collect all the tracks and decide which song to listen to while playing.
  • MULTIPLE MINI GAMES to test your skills and gain bonuses.

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