Club Nintendo Nov. 2012 Summary

Unknown Digital Downloads –

Nintendo has treated November 2012 a little differently with their digital downloads as most games were relatively unknown WiiWare and DSiWare games.

Early in the month, Mario Picross was available as an eShop Virtual Console download.  This original GB game is a cult favorite among puzzle fans and a predecessor to Picross 3D.

Art Style: Rotozoa is a 100 Coin WiiWare download available until Nov 25th.  I personally have not played this game but it seems to be a bit Feeding Frenzy-ish.  You play as this blob thing and your tentacles grow by attacking smaller enemies.  This is one of the Art Style games so the creative and unusual visuals are some of the standout features.  This single player game is normally 600 Wii Points so it might be worth it for a 100 Coin purchase. Sleeper hit?  Maybe…


Touch Solitaire is a DSiWare title that normally sells for $1.99.  It is available as a 100 Coin download until December 2, 2012.  From what I have seen, this is a very straightforward and simple version of the classic card game.  Spider and Klondike are the only game variants but there are a few different difficult settings.  I am sure the touch screen controls work well but do not expect to be blown away.  Even the visuals are as basic as can be.

Touch Solit

Available until December 9th, ThruSpace is a 150 Coin WiiWare download, normally a 800 Wii Point purchase.   This game is basically Hole-In-The-Wall with Tetris-like puzzle pieces.  The player uses reflexes to maneuver puzzle pieces as each stage flies through, Star Fox-style.  While I have not personally played this game, I could not help but notice the smooth graphical style from the game’s official trailer. Unfortunately, I think this is one of those games that could frustrate more than entertain.  If you like a challenge, this game is probably right up your alley. The Leaderboard function gives the games some staying power too.


Brain Age Express: Sudoku (DSiWare) will be available as a 150 coin download until Dec. 16th.  This is just one of many Brain Age games but this one solely focuses on the puzzle game Sudoku.  There are a few different difficulty settings and the game tracks your “brain age” throughout play.  This game normally sells for $5.  Probably one of the cooler features of the this title is the ability to actually write in the number using the stylus instead of selecting a number from a pop-up box.  Serious Sudoku players will probably appreciate this feature whereas the average player will probably be creeped out by that floating head.

Brain Age

Finally, Club Nintendo is also running a special promotion for owners of Kid Icarus Uprising.  When you register the game, you will automatically be entered to win a limited set of 400+ Kid Icarus AR Cards.  Nintendo claims that it has an approximate value of $154 and the deadline to enter is 1-6-13.  This prize has eBay written all over it.

Kid Icarus Contest

Now that the Wii U has launched, it will be interesting to see how Nintendo incorporates their new system into their Club Nintendo program.  Will they offer free Wii U eShop downloads?  Or what accessories will they offer?  I assume we should start to see something shortly after the holiday rush.  Perhaps they will offer a free Pikmin 1 download for purchasers of the upcoming Pikmin 3.  There are some (unlikely) possibilities here.

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