Cooperate On The Battlefield

Whenever people ask me, “what game would you say is better than my favorite?”, I easily have one pick: Battlefield 2.  For years now, the Battlefield series has risen to fame with titles optimized for console play, including 1943 and Bad Company.  Now we see, Bad Company, originally a console-exclusive spin-off, getting a PC release.  Judging from the current multiplayer beta impressions, it's been a long time coming.

The key difference between the Battlefield series and other mainstream series like Call of Duty and Gears of War is how the game itself is structured.  Instead of focusing solely on kills, players can contribute to their team in a variety of ways, from repairing and piloting vehicles to reviving and restocking allies.  Rush mode, the beta's only available play type (as of this article) is a unique take on the standard Battlefield fare.  Instead of trying to capture several control points in a large map, the map is instead divided into four sections.  The attacking team has two points that they have to destroy, by blowing it the $(@% up.   Once this is done, the next section of the map opens with a new set of objectives to destroy.  The defense has access to turrets, strategically advantageous buildings, and an assortment of vehicles including tanks and helicopters.

"Squad mode" is a key feature that allows a group of players to form up a squad, and respawn next to living teammates while granting bonuses for assisting others.  Taking some queues from the Call of Duty series, Bad Company 2 sports a leveling system, that effects both  your general rank, as well as your classes.  There are no kill streaks in this game (thankfully), but there is a very high level of customizability that almost lets you create your own class.  Unlocking items and weapons also plays a big role in the game.

At this point, my only major gripe with the game is how much damage players take.  It's not a deal breaker by any means, but it’s always frustrating to get knifed to death by an opponent who is six bullets heavier than he was before you spotted him.  Also, the disparity between players of high ranks and those of lower ranks lead to some scarily bad lopsided fights, though that may be more of a server balancing issue than the game itself.  Finally, there is some inconsistency when it comes to knocking down buildings, with some that are unbreakable while others can topple during an assault.

Despite these issues, the beta has done nothing but impress me.  Players looking for something different from the arcade-style death match type games that have taken over multiplayer shooters should look at Bad Company 2.  Look forward to a review to the game soon after the game's release on March 2, 2010.  Stick with MyGamer for more coverage of your favorite games.

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