Konami Is Making a Metal Gear Solid 3 Pachinko Machine and the Trailer Is Beautiful

Konami is tinkering with fans by releasing a new Metal Gear Solid game but it is not what you think. Instead of making a new, or even a fully remastered MGS1, Konami is milking the Metal Gear franchise with a Japan-only Pachinko machine based off of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, because gambling…

Even if American gamers will never have the chance to see this in person, the trailer for this pinball machine is gorgeous.

This trailer uses the powerful Fox Engine, the same engine that powered Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Now that Kojima is gone, Konami might be more open to taking advantage of the legacy that Kojima built over the last 30 years with the Metal Gear franchise. Either way, it is hard to ignore how awesome this trailer looks and will make fans crave a full remake of MGS1 or even the original Metal Gear using this Fox Engine in full 3D.

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