Maki: Paw of Fury getting December release date on Switch and Steam

Welcome to the world of Pangea! Although it is ruled by animals, it is driven by human weaknesses and frailties like betrayal by your best friend. This is what the main character Maki experiences, and thus begins his journey on the path of revenge and justice. With a tuna in his paw.

Maki was betrayed by Mapu, and his best friend was abducted. A blow inflicted by someone who was like a brother hurts the most, but Maki doesn’t give up. He sets out on the Path of Fury.

In Maki: Paws of Fury, as a warrior of the ancient martial art Tsume no Ken, player will take on the role of Maki who knows what honor and the way of justice are. Therefore, armed with a weapon that spreads fear among his enemies – the tuna – he will not stop until he rescues the girl and repays Mapu handsomely.

Maki Paw of Fury draws inspiration from the arcade legends of the 1990s, using all the best of the genre and sparing none of the modernistic touches. Retro-style animations, classic combat elements, or even additional mini-games are only a few of the features that will make players feel nostalgic.

In the world of Pangea, Maki will traverse as many as 5 different lands – dark ninja forests, icy planes, and desert dunes. And what’s more, he doesn’t have to do it alone. Players can also take on the role of Maki’s friends! Tincho, the muscular capybara, or Maka, the colorful otter, will show their enemies the power of music. Each character is unique in appearance, strength, and fighting style!

And the bumpy road to victory will, of course, be reinforced with a tune of energetic and fighting-ready tracks!

Maki: Paw of Fury is heading to Nintendo Switch and Steam and will be available to players starting December 12.

Maki: Paw of Fury will appear with a special release sale price of 25% for Steam and 27% for Nintendo Switch.

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