Agetec Fades Into Shadow

Agetec, Inc. is pleased to announce the upcoming "Fading Shadows" for the PSP system. Featuring 50 exciting levels, this game will be sure to mystify and awe players. Fading Shadows is scheduled to be released early summer 2008.

In Fading Shadows, evil is never very far away. Aira and her brother, Erywn, were living peacefully on the joyful side of the world when the villainous Master Gardal captured Erwyn. Gardal plans on overthrowing the famed Castle of Heaven – which is the supreme fortress built to protect the world from forces of darkness. According to an ancient prophecy, in order for Gardal to breach the castle gates, a sacrifice of a pure and untainted soul, Erwyn's, must be made. While sitting in the dungeon and awaiting his execution, Aira seals her brother's soul inside a single teardrop and transforms the teardrop into a protective orb. Now, to save her brother, she must safely guide the orb back to the Castle of Heaven using a magical beam of light.

"We're very happy to be publishing this game as we think many people will be fascinated by the story," says Agetec's producer Mark Johnson. "It's an incredible, one-of-a-kind game that features an intriguing story, brain teasing puzzles, and unique gameplay. Puzzle fans will not be disappointed."

Fading Shadows has the player take control of a beam of light in order to lead an orb through dungeons, swamps, mountains, and around rivers – all while avoiding traps and solving increasingly difficult puzzles! Players will also need to keep up with their surroundings as they occasionally transform the orb's state to either glass, metal, or wood. Players must do whatever it takes to save Aira's brother from his cruel fate and return him home. 

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