In Xenosaga II, thousands of years into a war-torn future, humanity has advanced to such a degree that its substantial resources of weapons and technology distort the boundaries of human limits.
In this sequel, players contend for control over the original Zohar in an attempt to unravel its mystery and defeat the threat of the Gnosis. Customize your characters using over a hundred different skills and take control of a deeper, more evolved combat system. In Xenosaga II, humanity?s champions must depend on their will to survive in a battle for the holy grail, which could lead to their salvation or their destruction.
* An extensive experience system features over 100 different skills to customize characters to the player?s preference.
* A new and improved complex battle system utilizes team combination attacks, a refined boost system, double team attacks and a zone attack/break system. The turn-based battle engine requires even more strategy and provides a deeper challenge.
* Shion, KOS-MOS and other favorite EPISODE I characters return with more mature, refined character designs and all new mechs.
* Hours of dazzling cinematics are complemented by high quality English voice acting.
* Complex philosophical themes add depth to an already sophisticated, dramatic storyline that could stand on its own as an intricately woven masterpiece.

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