Shade: Wrath of Angels

Shade: Wrath of Angels is a 3rd person perspective action, horror, adventure game where intrigue grips the player as our hero begins to unravel the mystery surrounding his brothers? disappearance. Our hero receives a strange and ominous letter from his brother asking him to travel to a small mountain town. Together with the letter the envelope contains a strange item, roughly resembling some type of key. Puzzled, our hero surmises that his brother is in serious trouble and without hesitation hurries to rescue him. As the story unfolds, our Hero embarks an intrepid adventure across 4 alternative words; the Present Day, Middle Ages, Ancient Egypt and The Shadow Land where nothing is what it seems as you solve puzzles and battle Demons, Angels, Zombies, Mummies, Rats, Shadows and much, much worse.

* More than 30 levels

* Thrilling atmosphere

* More than 20 scary enemies

* Graphics of the very highest quality

* Cinematic storytelling

* Spell casting

* Close Combat

* Traveling through time and dimensions.

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