I-Play included in Microsoft’s Tech Track 100 league.

Over the weekend over 100 of Britain's top software companies were graded according to their annual increase in sales between the years 2003-2005. In this event, which is know as the Microsoft Tech Track 100, I-Play placed 42nd in the rankings. This victory isn't the only thing that I-Play is glowing over, however, as they recently struck a bargin with Universal Mobile Entertainment. Through I-Play's Mobile Moments Channel customers will be able to view film clips from the most popular movies currently out on the market. This is both a new change in direction but also a first for Hollywood as it's the first time movie clips have been released to be viewed by mobile on-demand. David Gosen, CEO of I-Play, was pleased as punch about this when he stated that being included in the Tech Track 100 was proof of the company's hard work and dedication and, also, that the recent deal with Universal was a new way for them to expand their relationships and to find new ways of increasing their revenues. I could make a bad pun about their upward mobility right now, but I won't. For more info you can go see their official site at http://www.iplay.com/Till next time, gamers!

Nick McCavitt at nmccavitt@mygamer.com

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