Question of the Day

Yeah, I'm not sure how it works. Whenever my science teachers attempted to explain it I zoned out after the longest wavelength part.

But the oceans are blue because they reflect the sky - did you know that?

I know that sunset are red because the light from the sun is traveling through much more atmosphere than when it normally shines from directly above. Perhaps the sky is blue because blue wavelengths overpower the others normally, but are blocked when met with to many particles (as in the sunset).
oooooh, ok. So actually, blue light has a short wavelength.

Ok, here's what happens, gas molecules absorb some of the indego and violet light (because of their short wavelengths) as the light passes through the atmosphere, but only a small fraction of the light is absorbed, the full spectrum still reaches the earth (minus a touch of blue) which results in basically white light. The gas molecules then release the blue light in all directions, giving the sky a blue hue.
Actually blue light has a shorter wavelength than the red side of the spectrum. The blue sky is caused by the scattering of the blue light as it hits the denser gas molecules of the lower atmosphere.

The greater amount of atmosphere for a sunset contributes to the reddish coloring because the blue wavelength has been mostly scattered before reaching your line of sight. Since the longest wavelengths are towards the red end of the spectrum, red/orange/yellow light gets through to the viewer.
Yeesh - we have spent way more time on this topic than it deserves.

New Question:
What is your favorite memory of high school?

Mine is getting kicked out of English on the day before X-mas break senior year so the sub didn't have to deal with us. My friends and I hung out with my Latin teacher and exchanged Christmas presents. It was so much fun with a hint of disobedience to make it better.
It's funny, you know, I was just remarking to my mom that I don't have very many high school memories. I know I had a good time in HS, but I just don't remember much of it (and no, I wasn't drunk or stoned).

I guess some of the best memories are from being in the jazz band. I played alto sax and I used to get a lot of solos, being the principal saxophonist.
I suspect a lot of the answers to this question will revolve around getting out of class one way or another.

My high school had a fully-functioning TV studio, and in my Senior year, I would hang out there in the afternoons with my friends (a couple of them who now work in the "biz"). Oftentimes, after my grades had already been settled for the year, I skip the last couple of periods and just hang out there watching people put together projects or just goof around while watching multiple-episodes of the Simpsons that one of the TV teachers had recorded that season.
Question of the Day:

Where is the weirdest place you have ever fallen asleep?

I fell asleep in the Venice, Italy Airport leaning up against a wall with my head at such an angle that my friends were concerned I had broken my neck.
Mine is a lot like yours Katie. I had to spend the night at the Airport in Springfield, Missouri. I had been working at a camp nearby, and camp closed the day before my flight back to Toronto. I had to get a ride into town with one of the other staff and then sleep in the airport. The bench seating had arms, so I too, had to sleep on the floor, using my hockey bag full of clothes as a pillow.
I once fell asleep at a Jets game in Giants Stadium, a staircase in someone's basement, at a Govt. Mule concert at the Irving Plaza in NY and the hood of my friend's car outside of the Theta Chi house in Rutgers University.
Heh heh...okay, the staircase was someplace I passed out due to excessive drinking. However, the Jets game that day was a very cold day, but I was so heavily bundled up and had eaten so much food that I got tired and slept for third quarter. The time at the concert, I hadn't slept in two days, so I ended up heading to the lobby, curling up and taking a nap for much of the concert. As for the hood of my friend's car, again, I was oddly enough not drunk. In fact, I was stone cold sober and that was the problem. Theta Chi House was a complete hole with graphically sticky floors and unusual odors. I couldn't sleep since the few clean spots in the house were already occupied and I wasn't drunk enough to risk the flypaper-like floor, so I went outside where the hood of my friend's car was actually somewhat clean. It was a warm night and I just slept peacefully until the sun came up the next day.

I'm also not narcoleptic...I tend to be an insomniac, so each of these episodes were quite unusual for me.
I'm sure this has happened to someone else on the planet, but only once for me. I seriously dozed while in the shower, snoring and everything, standing up. The best part about it was that as I fell deeper asleep, I started to sway and was about to topple over but woke up just as my knees buckled. I then locked my legs to prevent the fall, but jerked too hard which caused my knees to buckle again, very hard and my right knee slammed against the shower wall, shattering two tiles. Hooray!