Mouse & Crane is an upcoming co-op Switch puzzle game designed for young gamers

Two women-owned and operated game development studios announced they’ve teamed up and are developing an Earth Day-worthy Switch title for young audiences.

Denmark’s Those Eyes and Canadian studio Tobo are developing Mouse & Crane for Switch, a single-player and cooperative play puzzle-based adventure. It will be a younger child’s perfect first game, offering teachable moments through upcycling, recycling, and construction.

Mouse & Crane is a charming indie IP that focuses on the adventures of three best friends and encourages players to solve puzzles and challenges imaginatively.

Children will be able to build new things with everyday tools such as a screwdriver or a glue gun-–inspiring kids and their parents to undertake Do-It-Yourself (DIY) activities together. The art design will be a unique hand-drawn collage style reminiscent of cozy picture books.

“Video games are a staple in most households. Parents and older siblings are playing some type of game. We want to provide an adventure that is appropriate for the younger, newer player,” said Trine Laier, owner, game director, and producer at Those Eyes. “The Switch platform made sense as it’s easy to use with their smaller fingers, lightweight, and offers a large library of family-friendly games. Moms and dads can hand their Switch to their child, or play with them, and feel good about it.”

Judith Beauregard, co-CEO and producer at Tobo adds, “When we started creating this game, we knew it had to be accessible for a younger child. The game is being created with a focus on a young child’s skill level. The levels are designed to encourage cooperation and help boost their problem-solving confidence. Mouse & Crane for Switch won’t require young players to know how to read, and important information is either spoken or displayed as universally understandable icons.”

Mouse & Crane for Switch will inspire children to solve problems peacefully through creativity and collaboration. In cooperative play, the child and parent (or an older sibling) will work together to solve puzzles that can’t be completed alone, sharing digital moments. Additionally, there is flexibility for parents to adapt their involvement according to their child’s needs, what Laier and Beauregard refer to as ‘parent-friendly’ gameplay.

Mouse & Crane for Switch is scheduled to be released in June 2024.

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