Question of the Day

Hah, close call.

So I'm gonna shoot some scenes from this far-out movie I'm making. But the main actor (if you can even use that term) doesn't have the face paint his character uses, a detail he added and insists upon. We don't shoot anything, but we do go over the main location and talk about scenes and shots. Guess I'm gonna have to get him his own makeup artist and trailer before long on my $0 budget.
Question of the Day:

If you were making yourself into a comic book superhero, how would you get your powers?

I think I'd get my powers by reading from an ancient and powerful book.
wow kurruption, that is pretty scary.

i think i'd get my powers by being burried alive in a freak accident while exploring some ruins in south america or something...and then i managed to dig myself out but in the process i swallowed some dirt.

later it would be revealed that i had earth powers (control plants, move dirt around and stuff) and that it was somehow from swallowing SOMETHING in this burial ground area i was in....and also, i was actually burried for a few days before digging myself sort of a lazarus thing.. but that's only assuming that there already isnt a lazarus hero! if there is i claim ignorance and my new answer will be by having been struck by lightning, which isnt that original but at least it is neat
Ra'ch Al Ghoul (probably spelled wrong) in the classic comic boook version discovered a series of lazarus pits throughout the world and used them to maintain his immortality. Not a hero, but a very good villain.
Able to raise a barn faster than a team of 20 men. Able to plow an acre in the blink of an eye. Able to leap over silos in a single bound.
What's wrong with completely ridiculous? It's always been my preference. Who would the villains be?
FIne then you can be one of the Ex-Presidents - good old Abe Lincoln. You have a very distinctive beard - sorry.
you east-coasters are all the same. you see something that is perfectly normal for the midwest and type-cast it into one of your non-sensical jump-to-conclusions cookie-cutter categories. i'll have you know that a lot of people out here have a beard similar to mine. mine is very full compared to many, but that still doesnt make me amish or abe lincoln.

and actually, i dont mind the lincoln comparisons, i consider him to be a good guy. but here i will show you a comparison since you insist.

in figure A, you will see me. I'm the one with the beard. this style is commonly referred to as "a chin-strappy kind of thing" and is typical found among men who don't want to hide their entire beautiful faces but still want to show off some masculine power to grow a beard. or they simply cannot grow abundant facial hair above the jaw line.

Figure A

in figure B, you will see Abraham Lincoln. notice the fullness and shaginess. this beard style is known simply as the abe lincoln. most people who copy this exact style of beard these days are not around mirrors very often. unkempt and haggard, this beard fits lincoln's apparent chronic depression of a life. no, i'm not knockin the man, he really was depressed his entire life and spoke of suicide often.

Figure B

and in figure C, you will see a typical amish beard. notice how the throat hairs are allowed to grow out of control. this is also sometimes known as a goat beard for obvious reasons. amish men may grow a beard as a sign of being married. a moustache, however, is seen as militaristic.

Figure C

I hope that you can see the distinguishing differences in these three variations on a non moustache-inclusive beard.
You seriously think I'm going to let little things like logic and reason prevent me from poking fun at your beard? You poor, naive boy.
my powers would be brought upon from some strange std, instead of peter parker like powers where he was bitten by a radioactive spider, I would of been bitten by a radioactive prostitute or something like that, my adventures would only be available through vertigo comics though, or marvel max, Sandman rules!
Question of the Day:

Now that we've established a back story, what would your superhero name be?

I was thinking something along the lines of Wonder Bitch or the Human Volcano for me.