Question of the Day

I still think Ghost Toast would be an acceptable superhero name - you could be a cohort of Ghost Rider.
Question of the Day:

What was your favorite class in school?

Latin was my favorite. Semper Ubi Sub Ubi!
Question of the Day:

Who is your dream employer?

Mine is LucasArts. Nothing quite like commuting to the Skywalker Ranch.
Dreamworks SKG

I have a lot of stories to tell (some true, some fiction), and it would be a dream come true to have those stories become movies with a creative giant like Dreamworks.
Question of the Day:

What skill have you always wanted to cultivate?

I always wanted to be good at hurting people somehow: kung fu, learning how to use a bull whip, or fencing. I dabbled in fencing in college but work got in the way so I could only do it for one semester. I would love to know how to use a bull whip.
Ahh, there are several skills I have always thought would be cool to have. Something like to break the ice at parties. Juggling, playing the piano, slight of hand, and the "Val Kilmer Tombstone Roll the coin across the back of your knuckles" thingy. Of these, I can do none.