freedom of speech vs. Islam

And now, some kid has died because of these stupid riots. Apparently he decided to shoot at the Afghanistan police (who were trying to control the angry mob). Of course, that was stupid move of the week and he deserved to be taken out of the gene pool. [Come on, these are the police that have survived Russian attacks from the 80's and terrorists of today. They can easily handle a teen with a gun!]

Meanwhile, the big dog of Denmark has said that it wasn't the country as a whole that said it, just the newspaper, and they need to aim their complaints at that company. In other words, "Kiss our ***!"

Oh yeah, and Iran has pulled their ambassador from Denmark.
Perot has all the answers....and you're right he has nothing to do with this topic....but i have yet to meet my quota of "randomness"....I am a better person each day that quota gets met.... :meditate: Now that it is accomplished, time to meditate and find my Chee........
chee is next to the eggs in the left drawer of the fridge.

What would be hilarious to see with this whole comic strip episode? Not to downplay the seriousness of the situation, but what would make it funny?
Just checked CNN. The body count is up to 4. Iran has cut off trade with Denmark. Flags have been burned. Riots and protests abound.

A picture is worth a thousand words. I guess a CARTOON is worth 4 lives, dozens of injuries, thousands in property damage, and world wide rioting.
I was JUST reading that on, too. I was checking in about the 2.6% increase in military spending, though.
Personally, I think that if the holy prophet can say that all infidels (anyone who isn't a Muslim) should die, that any infidel is free to make fun of him.

where the hell did you pull that shit from, just because terrorists use islam as an excuse to kill doesn't make it true.
Well, the Koran really does have an anti-non-muslim sentiment to it. That isn't to say that all muslims are terrorists, or that they are all bigots...but there is some aggression in it. For example, Al-Jahiz claims that ants, eels, mice and other less-than-noble animals are spawned from Jews. And this is also seen in the Koran itself in 7:16 where Jews are turned into monkeys for breaking the Sabbath.
spudlyff8fan said:
Al-Jahiz claims that ants, eels, mice and other less-than-noble animals are spawned from Jews. And this is also seen in the Koran itself in 7:16 where Jews are turned into monkeys for breaking the Sabbath.

I heard that in the Showtime series Spleeper Cell (which was an amazing show that really shed light subjects like this). It was just a show though, and I don't really know a lot about Muslims, is it supposed to be Allah who turned Jews into monkeys?
Al Zarqawi said it in his speeches. Bin Laden said it in his as well. All that has to happen is for someone to be declared takfir (an infidel or unbeliever), then it is permitted to kill them, assuring your place in Heaven. Check it out for yourself. Many of the quotes from the Qur'an are taken out of context, but some are blatant (as pointed out by Spuds). You must look at it not with Western eyes, but from a Middle Eastern Perspective. They have been killing each other for thousands of years with no signs of actually finding peace. We can't understand that. Do a little research, but to help you out:

Consider Sura 5:33 -

"The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter,"

Keeping in mind that those who "make war" might also include civilized disagreement or discussion (again, don't look at it with a Western mentality). Thus, anyone that disagrees with or is against Islam. Also Sura 47:4 -

"Now when ye meet in battle those who disbelieve, then it is smiting of the necks until, when ye have routed them, then making fast of bonds; and afterward either grace or ransom till the war lay down its burdens..."

Again remembering that to the Muslim, "the battle" is not just a battlefield, but where ever they may choose to take it. This is why many Christian missionary villages have faced "ethnic cleansing" in Africa, not because they engaged in battle with Muslims, but because Muslim leaders brought the battle to them.

They view it as a duty, much the same way that it is a duty for the Christian to "love their enemies" and to "pray for those that persecute them" (Matt 5:44). They do what they do because they read the Qur'an and obey it.
I threw in the Christian quote because Western society has been so strongly influenced by the Bible and its teachings. Now take the same strength of influence and apply it to a society shaped by the Koran.
Oh yeah, and getting back to the subject of the cartoon. . . There is a story from the 7th century describing how he dealt with infidels. When Mohammed's army of men, out to slaughter all the 'infidels', came to the city of Fez, in Morocco, they found a community of Christians. After killing all the Christians there with their Islamic-style swords, they took their hats (called a fez) and dipped them in the blood of the Christians, and wore the fezes throughout the land glorying in their victory over Christianity.
No, I do respect Islam. What I do NOT like is when it is perfectly ok for people to bash Christianity (there are many, many martyrs every year) and Jews (anti-semitism is still rampant), but no one can say anything about Islam. Discuss things openly. I am sure of my faith, but I am willing to openly discuss the differences in beliefs and why I believe what I do. I have sat and listened to people of about every type of religion or sect known in America (college really helps throw you into it). How many mockeries of Jesus have there been? I don't like it, but I also would not condone the actions taken by the Muslim world in the last few days. And before people start saying "Not all Muslims are acting this way. . ." I would have to say to look at the numbers who are participating.

Of course, this is my view of right and wrong. As I said before, with Mid-Eastern eyes things look a little different. I just got fired up that Daivon thought I was making stuff up.
I just think everyone needs to watch more comedy. Or have more sex. Hell, have sex while watching comedy. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Many people just take things in this world way too seriously, religion being a very frequent example. It may sound like a joke, but I truly believe the world would be a better place if we all watched South Park. Of course, then South Park wouldn't exist because they wouldn't have anyone to make fun of.

"I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier."
Now American bases are being attacked and shouts of "death to the Danish, death to the Americans" are being shouted.

How is France suddenly exempt? In Kabul, rioters tried to attack a US military base. The police shot several of them before they could get to it, though.

Bad idea: taking on the police who've dealt with machine-gun-armed terrorists and insurgents.

Worse idea: trying to get through them to a US military base where you're going to do what? Attack the world's most feared military?