Question of the Day

Question of the Day:

What video games need to be truned into movies?

Curse of Monkey Island or really any of the Ljucas Arts adventure games. Such great stories.
I would like to see a CG Metroid.

And of course a live-action Metal Gear Solid. I would say Halo but I'm pretty sure we'll see that sooner than later.
Im with the Adam West - doing the vows... that was a great idea.

The groom dressed as HArvey Dent [ two face] - one face says "i do" - the other "piss off"
Instead of Daddy - have Bane walk the bride down the isle.

You have to have extravegent blacklight colors like the old Batman movies [ before Bale and batman begins].
Ummm - I think you might be a bit behind on the questions, TM.

Question of the Day:

Have you seen Super Bad?

I have, it's good.
Question of the Day:

What music should I walk down the aisle to?

I wanted the Imperial March, but Pat vetoed it. The ceremonial music from the end of New Hope was too short. At the moment, we're looking at Jupiter by Holtz (sp?), who wrote a song for each of the planets. John Williams ripped him off for the Star Wars soundtrack. But I am open to other suggestions.
You people are useless when I actually need an answer to a question. Anyway, here's my last question before the big day.

Question of the Day:

What is going to go wrong at my wedding?

Because you know something is.
A man living in a deep, forgotten, maze-like alleyway told me this:

He spoke of a Polish curse, one that bends the laws of causality. He says that you will realize on your wedding day, soon before exchanging vows, that your wedding is actually just a scene from a movie being filmed. Cameras will be here and there, sound equipment. But, the movie is in fact a remake of a foreign movie. Actually, that movie never got finished due to certain 'difficulties' as this self proclaimed 'Alley Master' claims without further elaboration; so it's not really a remake, just a retooling of the same script. Anyway, keep up now, it gets weirder. You begin to realize that your husband is like some one-dimensional stereotypical movie character, the smarmy variety. As soon as you realize this, you will find yourself in an alley. The word 'axxonn' is written on the wall with an arrow pointing down a dark stairwell. Descending down that leads to another place and time, where you'll meet The Man in Green. His motivations won't be clear to you at first, but take the screwdriver and go through the nearest door. This leads to a fine house where your husband-to-be resides, but he has a family. He glowers at you and states that the screwdriver "will not fix the problem". His 'wife' looks scornfully at you as well and you find that you have been somehow stabbed by the screwdriver in the stomach. You black out and wake up in a movie theater, where you see yourself on screen stabbed with a screwdriver. That's when you realize that you've been sitting in your room all this time watching static on a TV right before your wedding. Thinking you had some sort of weird out of body experience, you get up to go to your wedding when, well, another You walks in and gives you a hug.

The Alley Master kind of mumbled off after that and soon fell into an alcohol induced sleep. I think.

Well, anyway, have a good wedding! :)
I'll admit that I''ve had some bizarre wedding dreams, but thankfully not that one.

Just a dream that I was marrying the guy who declared he was going to marry me in pre school. I look around and think to myself, "I'm pretty sure I can do better than him." As it turns out, I did.
Uhh...I think you need to lay off on the LSD Roach...

And Katie I think you answered your question about the worst thing that can happen.
The preschool guy stops the wedding and proclaims his love for you, then you leave Pat at the altar and marry Preschool. Then you go to Aruba for your honeymoon and cheat on Preschool with some random waiter. Little do you know that Pat has been following you, and then kills both Preschool and Waiter. You and Pat get married...happily ever after. :applause:
The use of LSD doesn't lend itself to ironic, referentially structured thinking as far as I know.

Maybe a google search reveals another level of reality.
Actually it'll be running off toLondon for the honeymoon and hooking up with an Irishman. I have a weakness for their accents.
He is certaily acceptable, although I thought he was Scottish. I mean most british accents are hot.