Question of the Day

Question of the Day:

What was your favorite Christmas present? (This is assuming that you celebrate Christmas)

This answer may change when I finally get Pat's presents but for the moment the best is one of those "gamer chairs." You know, the curvy rocker things that sit on the floor. Mine is covered in this fabric that closely resembles black suede - but not quite.
That's pretty cool Katie, I had one on my list last year, but ended up just putting my 25-year old couch in the "game room". How do you like it?

I didn't get any single "big" gifts so it's hard to pick one favorite. Dana got me a 3-disc Good Eats DVD set that came with an Alton Brown book, Gear for your Kitchen. The book is really cool. my parents also sent me a really bright 2 LED book light that's really sturdy and nice, which is cool. We also got this Hammacher-Schlemmer alarm clock that we've been wanting for a couple of years, it's called "progressions". When you set the alarm, it turns on a light 30 minutes before the time you set that gets brighter and brighter until the alarm goes off, to wake you up naturally. It also has six "calming sounds" and you can put scented beads or oil in it, but I'm not a big fan of that crap. Waking up with the light is awesome though, because I'm one of those people who will just hit snooze fifteen times in the morning.
I am loving the chair - although it causes people (mostly my parents) to walk over and push it such that I tumble backwards out of it. Beyond that, the chair is freakin' sweet!
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes collection. Haven't opened it yet, but I know it rocks. It has to. The universe would not exist if it were otherwise. And Trigun complete season. That is cool.
Question of the Day:

If you were a superhero, what would your weakness be?

Mine would be gravy. Liquid meat is absolutely vile.
IRL weakness: Mine would be burning synthetic materials near me, most notably the stuff they make pillow foam with. It does horrible things to your head and stomach. Or frigid air/water.

Comic weakness: Meteors.. yes, meteors. Who wouldn't be weak against a meteor streaking across the skyline like some divine bullet from the heavens with your name on it?

*apologizes for the weak topic suggestion as no one else has replied* :/
Mine would be squirrels. They fearlessly taunt me and run out in front of my car trying to get me to wreck. I find that Goodyear is their bane, so I do have a way to combat them.
Question of the Day:

If you were a superhero, would you have a sidekick - and if so what kind of sidekick?

I'm a solo act, mostly because I'm a control freak and other people a tendency to annoy me.
I would definitely have a sidekick. The kind that can take care of things like defusing a bomb or finding me the directions to the badguy hideout. She (cause a hottie for a sidekick would be better than Batman's teenage boy in underoos) would also be good for springing traps and distracting my enemies.
How about Knight Boat Ghost? And once again, someone comes up with a much more brilliant answer than I ever could. Darth, I bow before your wisdom. Hot chick sidekick? Absolutely genius.
Thanks wijg. I've always wondered how much the "boy wonder" ever contributed and if things would go better for batman if he had a well-figured sidekick.

Joker- "I've got you now, Bats. You've no where to go. Huh? Look at that set of---" [his attention diverted, Batman has the opportunity to take out his arch-enemy and then has time to explore the newly-installed back seat of the batmobile.]
You guys are talking like Batgirl never existed. Although she always ended up making out with Nightwing. I think she still does from time to time.
yeah, but wasn't she a teenager too? How bout a voluptuous 22-25 yr old? And in much less clothing than Batgirl had. The Superhero-sidekick costume should fit into her small purse, to keep it a secret of course.
Of course - after all the sheer skimpiness of her outfit will protect her from bullets. I should have realized.
comic-book and video game logic is a wonderful thing. Like all those barely clothed female characters in RPGs and action games enduring snowy/icy regions just fine.