Question of the Day

Watch a bunch of rednecks gathered on the roof of a house pretending to shoot Reindeer out of the sky as an excuse to fire their guns...



Just kidding, but would it surprise me? Probably not.
None here besides Christmas eve at Grandma's. Frankly i am ready to move on from that tradition becasue my family is soooooooooooo boring.
Question of the Day:

How much vacation time do you get for Christmas?

Since Christmas is a Sunday, I get the 26th off and I get the 2nd off. That's it.
Heheheh. I get the 26th because it's Boxing Day. I get the 27th for Christmas Eve. I get the 28th for Christmas Day. I get the 2nd for New Year's Day. And I'm taking the 29th and the 30th off.


It's so nice to work at a "work to live" company instead of a "live to work" company. And it's nice to be Canadian and celebrate Boxing Day.
sounds like the day you wrap presents?

i get off the week between christmas and new years, and the 2nd of january as well. and i only have to use two days of Paid Time Off to do so. the rest is paid by the company. some years, i've heard, the school is shut down for 2 weeks which is almost all paid for as well. it's in leaux (splellign?) of a christmas bonus, but hey that's a fat bonus the way i piece it together...4 days paid off times 8 hours times XX an hour. not too shabby.
It's a UK thing. it basically means that everything is shut down except for select bus routes which cause you to get stuck, on your way from Edinburgh to Scarborough, in York at midnight because the North Yorkshire busses and trains don't run but the ones in Scotland do. Making it a challenge to find a Hostel in York at midnight when there are no taxis either and the nearest Hostel is several miles away. Putting you in the position to walk through a dodgy park by about 1am and finally find the overpriced Hostel around 2am. When you could have stayed in Scotland the entire time and stayed for the Hogmanay celebration instead of spending it asleep in Scarborough thousands of miles from home.

All in the spirit of boxing day!!!
Question of the Day:

What is the best Christmas present you ever got?

When I was in 2nd grade my parents got me a black leather chair - very spiffy looking. We had been furniture shopping a lot that fall for them and everytime we went I would head over to the section with leather chairs and sit on all of them. It was completely unexpected, greatly appreciated, and practical. As we speak it is in Pat's apartment looking as good as ever.
The one I anticipated the most and used the longest was a bicycle when I was 8. Then one day, years later, I was given a nintendo. I gave my brother the bike.
Question of the Day:

How may holiday parties are you going to this year?

I have lunch today with my department and town wide festivities tomorrow. Hurrah!
only a couple (not counting family). The family gatherings (which really do rock) number 6 total. My parents and brothers, my wife's parents and brother, and both sides of both of our families. And that's just for Christmas. New Year's will not be with family.

Let the gluttony continue.
Question of the Day:

When can we expect to see you back at MyGamer after the holidays?

I won't return until Tuesday morning. Three Day Weekend!