
I just got into the Arcane University. I put the other quests aside until I got in. There are three benefits: 1) you get a custom staff, 2) you get to enchant weapons yourself, 3) you get to make up your own spells. Now, instead of the "flare" spell that only works if you directly hit your target, I made one that blows up whenever it hits anything. That makes it kind of a grenade. And it looks cooler.
Getting into the university is pretty schweet. I wish it wasn't so time consuming though.

Wait, what am I saying, Oblivion is a synonym for time consumption!
eh, if it was quick and easy I would destroy the game in a couple of weeks and then never play it again. If I wanted to pick up the pace, I would start focusing on the main quest. There's just so much to do! Bandits are everywhere, goblins and creepy things scurry in the darkness, and every hole, tunnel, fort, or random thing on the landscape has something to do.
The main quest is not long at all. And it gets very good after a while. HAHAHAHA the folls tried to take me out in the Mythic Dawns hideout. That plase is hell if your not careful and they love to jump you. But i'm on break from the main quest. I'm gonna do major side missions.
That's interesting. I haven't decided on whether or not to go vamp yet. I probably won't unless I have to. I didn't get to play a whole lot yesterday (and probably not today either), but I did become champion in the arena. Before I take on the grand champion, I'll do the quest he asked me to do. Then I know he'll be depressed and unable to really fight. I also discovered another benefit to the Arcane University. I can pickpocket some really awesome enchanted weapons. I'm considering whether or not to master the thieves guild and dark brotherhood before really advancing. The rewards have been awesome so far, and the missions are creative.
I certainly love both the theives guild and DB quests. The reward for completing the theives guild is pretty dang sweet.

Being a vampire is difficult. It has some sweet powers, but the requirements to maintain your lifestyle are tedious. Fast travel also loses its effectiveness as you don't want to be caught outside. Fortunately feeding is pretty fun, and you can find bottles of human blood to keep you satisfied.
I spent lots of time trying to get to thePale Pass via the Snake Trail on one of the quests from the Countess in Bruma (I think she gave me the quest). It took forever because the trolls, will-o-wisps, and imps pounded me. When I did get there, I discovered Ogres, rats and mountain lions. The rats weren't a huge problem, but they alerted the bears to my presence. I finally got through it and discovered.... that I'm at the BEGINNING of the Pale Pass. This is one ball-buster of a quest so far. I'm having to take on the ogres one at a time!

I love this game
That quest is pretty hard. The reward is sweet, though I can't remember what it is at this moment. It's even sweeter when you go back to castle bruma after hours to take back what you're working so hard for. Potential spoiler:

When you get to the cave make sure you pick up the Akavari diary/orders from the skeleton.

End spoiler

It is indeed a sweet and wonderful game. However, be happy that it hasn't sucked the incredible number of hours out of your life that it has out of mine.
Yes, that's true. I've managed to keep away from playing MMORPGs by virtue of the fact that my computer hasn't a powerful enough Graphics Processor, so I dodged that bullet.

I really want to get into good old fashioned PnP role playing. I think that has the most potential for coolness in game. The big shame about it is scheduling with groups and everybody having to be there.
I had already gotten the tablet, and it did indeed help me. I plan on going back and stealing the necklace I just retrieved for fair countess, along with her other toys if I can find them.

I discovered something extremely profitable last night. In sneaking around the Arcane University, I decided to try pick-pocketing everyone who was asleep. I made sure to save before every attempt, and wow. Nearly all of them are sporting some kind of enchanted weapon. I grabbed about 5 of these and sold them to my thieves guild agent in Bruma. I walked away with 2600 gold!

I also finished the quest concerning the Gray Prince. Once he found out the truth about his pops, he asks you to kill him in the arena. He doesn't even fight back. And being the Grand Champion is great. I even have an Adoring Fan that asked to follow me all over the place. It was fun at first but it got annoying after a while.

I haven't decided on what to try next. I could either do the thieves guild quests or go for the arcane. The rewards for both are great, but I think the thieves rewards will better help me accomplish the rest.
Her items actually aren't that useful. Best one is the 750 gold journal.

But do the Thieves Guild. If I were you, I'd just blow through the entire thing first, because the reward for completing it is simply awesome. (just make sure you consult me before doing the final heist).
You should make sure you have crazy-high acrobatics, because that way you can keep the Boots of Springheel Jack, because in-story, you're supposed to break them, but they're just too useful to throw out...
Ok, so now that i've got Obilivion, i can finally start coming in this forum topic.....I haven't started, but i'll be hitting it up tonight.......Be prepared, the Asy is in the House
Yay! Asylum has taken the plunge! (oh, and Todd, get that basketball crap out of here.) I definitely suggest you check out some strategy guides to help you get through the game. Be warned, it seems like it takes forever to get through those initial sewers. Then you can do anything you want. It will also help to not do certain quests early on, and others right away. For instance, if you actually go back and get the "Fingers of the Mountain" reward (not necessary to complete the Mages Guild quest), the reward is decent but weak later on in the game. Wait to do it until after level 25+ and you get a reward that is extremely powerful.

Oh yeah, don't even try fighting the imperial guards until you get majorly powerful. I'm up to level 23 and even though I can take out one or two, they still overwhelm me and kick my teeth in. Then they pee on my broken body. It's sad and humilating.