The Wii Countdown

Yea o wise Spudly tell us how they are stupid. Other than the third party stuff how else to they suck. Are we talking Nintendo as a whole or just the Home console market, Because if they are stupid all around, thenSony should be stupid so they can make Tons of money in the handheld market.

Also just so I say this again, Fanboys don't care what you say. IF NINTENDO was say NO more Zelda ever, I would be mad and pissed, but it does not mean I would not still love them for the games or things they have bought me. We say the 64 was a failure, sure it could have been. But Mario 64 changed gaming, and the 4 port system was introduced from the 64 how many systems have followed that. Rumble, Nintendo was first on the block (even tho they paid someone else for it) Still number one.
There are lots of N64 games looked on with longing and reverence: Starfox 64, Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye 64, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, NFL Blitz, Banjo Kazooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Pilotwings 64, and for some Diddy Kong Racing, Mario Party, and Perfect Dark.

But despite the potential and the powerful processor, the cartridge limited the kinds of information the game could hold where the CD could hold CD tracks of so much quality for music along with game data, CDs were much cheaper to produce (I doubt Square was thrilled about the prospect of Final Fantasy spanning two or three cartridges), and the PS1's lower horse power meant it was cheaper to produce games.

Nintendo has addressed all of these problems the N64 had with the Wii. Blu-ray is expensive and untested, while DVD's might as well grow on trees. The DVD can hold whatever information a developer wants, and lots of it, while still using the Gamecube's inside-out-and-backwards anti-piracy method, as Nintendo's reasoning for an expensive cartridge on the N64 was that it was much more difficult to pirate. And by underpowering the system, developers don't have to hire an army of content creators they'd need to fire between projects as companies need to for X360 and PS3 titles.

And the new controller is response to how the DS has overtaken the PSP based on a well applied gimmick, like the thumbstick had once been.

How learning from one's mistakes and nearly overcompensating on each point is stupid, I'll never know. They thought the machine's size and approachability had been the problem for the Gamecube, so despite another slew of great games it sold even more poorly than the N64 because no one wanted to go back to Nintendo's system. Now everyone is familiar with the tools, which haven't changed much since the Wii is a supercharged GCN, so third-party developers are much more open to Nintendo, especially with curiousity around this crazy new controller.

And they're trying to expand the market. To put that in perspective, imagine the only films that came out on a large scale were bad slasher remakes, Disney films, and mid-80's action-in-a-jungle flicks. No epic fantasy, no science fiction, no chick-flicks, no comedy, no documentary, no political thrillers, no military struggles, etc., etc. If you didn't play games before, Nintendo is trying to expand the market so that you'd find a game you might like. How creating a gateway for people into games is stupid, I'll never know.

I guess Spud just believes not trying to take over the entire home entertainment market with every more is stupid. But they're a games company, not an entertainment giant like Sony or a megalithic home computing force like Microsoft. It's just not in their interest to take the whole cake when they conduct business with profit on every step.

Who's really more screwed: a person paying Nintendo at a profit with $250 when Nintendo has a great track record of great titles, or someone paying at least twice as much to a company who's taking a loss because they know people won't pay the machine's full production cost, made needlessly high by attempts to force their new proprietary format on the world?

I think forcing people to buy Blu-ray when neither hi-def disc format has very little consumer support is a bigger screw than Nintendo's unusual way of business. It's the difference between the greedy and desperate and the greedy and relaxed.
Jeff raises an excellent point there about how Nintendo differs fundamentally from Sony and MS. It really has never been a competition between the three, because Nintendo's only registering on one event. And it's not the one that matters to the world at large.
Just when I thought I'd come to terms with waiting the extra month! Now that the launch is about a week away (i.e. next weekend I'd have been playing), I'm all bitter about it again.

I really hope that stores get demo units set up.
You people actually thought the N64 was powerful? That's laughable. The N64 couldn't have muscled its way out of its box. It has a 64 bit processor...which was flat-out useless. By that time, the processor didn't even mean anything. By then it was ALL about the PPS and RAM. Both of which the PS1 destroyed the N64 in. The N64 was archaic and failed to adapt to changes in games. The PS1 had far more horsepower. It's pretty much a paddle boat vs a Scarface drug runner it's such an unfair comparison for Nintendo. It was easier to develop for because of the more free data and the option of multiple disks and it was cheaper for publishers because CDRs are sooooo much cheaper. The N64 was a garbage console with a number of buy-worthy games you could count on your fingers. It was Nintendo's first colossal failure which led to their pathetic state right now.

And firing graphics companies? I don't think you know how things work either. There are some graphics teams that work for-hire where a company will make the graphics or art or the FMVs for a single game, but most of them are owned by a company. Really, it means nothing.

And don't compare the analog stick to the touch screen. The analog stick was applied to games successfully LONG before the N64 was out. Nintendo just swiped Atari ideas and applied them on their own (and don't say "ooooooh, you don't know the difference between an arcade stick and an analog stick lololololololololololol" because I do and you're stupid if you don't know that the first analog stick was in the Atari 5200 and lots of "next-gen" arcade cabinets). And like I said. The touch screen has proven to just be that. A gimmick. Almost none of the good DS games use them any more. There were a handful of good games that used it around launch...and a couple after...but none of the big upcoming games use them anymore. And it's becoming more and more common that the Wiimote is being benched. Even in Metal Slug Anthology, there's a Cube controller option that, in all likelihood, will be the most effective control scheme.

The whole "expanding the market" thing is a load of crap. It seriously will NEVER work. Old people don't even use computers and cell phones, and now they're suddenly going convince them to spend $250 on something they don't know how to use. Don't know how to hook up. And probably just don't have any interest in. And they're not going to suddenly get females interested. The whole "females are just don't like the over-sexualization of blah blah blah" thing would be valid...if Pacman, Pong, Dig Dug or any of the classic games. Games just have NEVER been female-popular. They probably never will be. In all seriousness, the whole "expanding the market" thing is either completely made-up or completely going to fail.

Unfortunately for them, Nintendo isn't fundamentally different from Sony or Microsoft. They never have been. They're just being held down by the overly-sentimental staff at NOJ who keep on contributing to Nintendo's inability to play catch-up. They're failing. That's the only fundamental difference between Nintendo and the other two.
I know a few old people who use computers and cell-phones. In fact two of my grandparents have computers and do desk-top publishing, e-mail and all that jazz on their own. Also, my grandpa had a cell-phone at one point. I don't think he has it anymore. He used it as an emergency measure while he was on his 4-month hike last summer.
The number 2 users of the internet are 60+ seniors. I meant people in the 45-60 range are the ones who aren't very tech saavy, statistically.

Either way. Nobody who doesn't already like games is gonna get a Wii.
OOOOO boy I can't wait. I feel sorry for you Basil, being as though you wont be getting a Wii. But some interactives will show up. The Gamestops I shop at have they'er kits in looking all pretty (check my myspace for the pic) but the worst news is that they forgot to send the f***ing Wiimotes. So we are awaitng the the Rep to come in with the Mote's.

And Yea did you catch that. That was me ignoring Spud.
no you cant now because its not out, unless you've sat there and played it you cant know. ive never said the ps3 as a system will be bad because i dont know.
that was an example, i said i dont know that the ps3 will suck because i never played it, and thats refering to you saying the wii will suck since u have probably never played it.
Not once did I say the Wii was going to suck. I NEVER said that. I said the launch lineup was going to suck. And that Nintendo is beyond incompetent. Read before responding.
yes some of there games will suck but people will still buy them as well as the more anticapated games, but there are still DBZ fans who will buy the DBZ game and there still be people to buy Rayman and all the other games, if you look at it Nintendo has made a improvment from there last generations, there getting more creative, keeping the public guessing. there making improvments. are they still in third place, yes, but that could change at anytime, probably in the last quarter, it will probably move up a step and take sony cause we all know there's only 400,000 ps3 coming this year, and 1,000,000 Wii comming. so while there may be games that look crappy, there still the good games and the bad games. and like the ps2 there's the good games and the bad games. and ive even seen videos of people liking the third party games, the so dumb that its fun, like snakes on a plane. and sony is starting to loose there there third parties, because they dont want to spend all that time to make the transishion from the 360 to the ps3. so does that mean there going to nintendo? idk, but the third parties are getting more intrested.

spudlyff8fan: Not once did I say the Wii was going to suck. I NEVER said that. I said the launch lineup was going to suck. And that Nintendo is beyond incompetent. Read before responding.

spudly you've been dissing on nintendo and everything the've made and done, if you dont like nintendo, dont tell us and dont piss the fan boys off. and yes you have said the Wii will suck, but im not going to search in every forum in Mygamer to prove it.
Yea Spud the 360 Launch sucked the PS2's and the PS3's sucks. Did you not forget that it's the launch. Most games suck in the begining. It's like sex for the first time. It is bad and sucks but in time it becomes something more.

Now as I was reading radom crap yesterday in GS. I came across a mag the was interviewing some guy over at Atari. They questioned him an all thing systems. He praised the Wii and Nintendo for what ehy are doing. He also said it could back fire in their face so he hopes for the best. And with the 360/PS3, the guy went on about how he is mad that Sony went the route they did. Saying that Sony went this way of desperation. And that some companies nay cahnge their mind in programing games for the system. And with the 360 he is pleased with the hardware and would like to work with MS on some projects.

Then they went on to some game and other crap that did not matter to me. Then I came across this: The guy stated the Sony may have kicked their self in the face with the PS3, and that Sony's win over the system war was a fluke. Syaing that, Sony won by luck and timing, no planing went into anything. And you can see that now with the PS3.

I have no clue what he was talking bout but I thought I should share with you guys.