Question of the Day

Question of the Day:

What's your favorite cartoon?

The Venture Brothers is consistently awesome so I think I'll go with them. But the Chuck Jones cartoon, Duck Amuck is a close second.
If we're talking about current cartoons, i'll have to go with the Street Fighter series....*waits for flames* before, i get Sonic Boomed by the Street Fighter fans, it is a cartoon to me and it is very well for all time ever, It is a tossup between G.I. Joe or Thundercats
Hey, Venture Bros. is fantastic! The episode last Sunday:

"Brock's discovery of a lost videotape from Jonas Venture Sr. sends the team across the globe to find four vital components needed to save the world. Now all they have to do is overcome a strung-out Jonny Quest (living in a bathysphere), a blissed-out Colonel Gentleman (a super-mysoginistic riff on Sean Connery), and a paranoid Professor Impossible (a version of Mr. Fantastic if he mistreated his wife...who happens to be able to turn here skin invisible. Only her skin). While the Grand Galactic Inquisitor (who constantly SCREAMS "Ignore me") watches over them all."

Also, Aqua Teen Hunger Force is pretty awesome.
I don't have one. got's me a list

Ren & Stimpy
Family Guy
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( original)
Dragonball Z

I want to say Simpsons but that is more like a Sid-Com
Lol I think Adult Swim is the best network on TV.
Avatar and Invader Zim are really good too.
But seriously, why did they decide to put that crack addict of a show called Peewees Playhouse on...
YO DO NOT DISREPECT PEE WEE. I mean until the lil thing with him and the movie Pee Wee was the man. Memoriies sweet memories.
Question of the Day:

Who's your favorite cartoonist?

I have to go with Bill Watterson (the guy who does Calvin and Hobbes) but Berkely Breathed (Bloom County) and Charles Schultz are close seconds.
I'm not including them comic book people, or I'd have too many:

Bill Watterson is number 1 followed by the guy that does Get Fuzzy.
Gary Larson (Far Side), Berkeley Breathed (Bloom County), Scott Adams (Dilbert), Aaron Macgruder (Boondocks), Tom Tomorrow (This Modern World) and Gary Trudeau (Doonesbury).