Ladies Only!

What is your definition of a tasty fate?

I think mine involves a harem and a personal movie theater.
Pebbles2005 said:
I have a quaestion for you Maverick . Why is it okay for guys to comment on women but when a woman does it it's wrong? :lion:

All joking aside, I see nothing wrong with women commenting on guys. Its all fair to me. You ladies are allowed to be just as bad as us men.
You're new here, I understand that but still you should have figured out by now that we show no mercy to anyone.
Good news!

Brad Pitt's divorce papers have been signed and finalized. He's single again!
Because there is a very, very slim chance he'll see me walking down the street and instantly fall in love with me. Then we get to live happily ever after.

He is secure enough with our relationship that I can mess around with lots of different guys. I marry Pitt for his money and hire Pat on as the pool boy. Everybody wins. Except maybe Brad, but honestly I think he'd get over it.
What a thoughtful and relevant replay, GT! You continue to amaze me with your eloquence.