Ladies Only!

No respects the Ladies Only aspect of this thread. At least 2/3 of the posts are from known males. Maybe I'll start a Guys Only thread and the numbers will flip.
ladies only is a sure-fire way to get guys. duh. what do you think "ladies' night" is all about at clubs? it's a trick to get maybe a few girls there with the idea that drinks are cheaper...but the real idea is that tons of guys will flock there in hopes of meeting the girls. then they buy tons of drinks cause that's what guys do...meanwhile, all the girls are at home doing something else.
probably typing on mygamer forums :bubbles: :computer:
So I guess a "Guys Only" forum won't work. I highly doubt that any women are interested in metting the MyGamer male population.
kwilson said:
So I guess a "Guys Only" forum won't work. I highly doubt that any women are interested in metting the MyGamer male population.

Ha! On a scale of 1-10 I'm a 73 (and thats being modest :sly: ). I have to wear a disguise when I go out so all the ladies don't mob me. :fez:
:biting: :banghead: :headache: WORK SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS itssssssssssss drivin me crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :medusa: