Your picks for the next President.


Public Relations Manager
Oct 29, 2005
Vashon Island, WA
Even though there is still abit of time before the next election... presidential hopefuls will start popping up up any time now. Some will perish others will barely survive.

Only ONE will become the next survivo...... I mean President of the United States of America!
I choose my friend kevin. he is one of the most level headed, free thinking, open minded people I know... too bad that would never happen.
Harrison Ford should be president. Or Dave from the movie Dave. Or Andrew Shepherd from the movie The American President.

One of those three.
OMG I was totally thinking of both of those earlier. i thought it would be sweet to have dave or Andrew shepherd as president. We are totally on the same wavelength this time!
Nah chuck would not be a good president... he may be a lot of things but he would be the WORST person that I could think of for president.
Yeah, he'd end up killing the entire nation of Canada with one round house kick. Not surprisingly, nobody will care.
I think BC should be president, with stan as his VP and me as chief of staff and um Alex as Secertary of state

Spud you are too young so you'd be the minority whip.