Question of the Day

Question of the Day:

Would you rather have true love or true happiness?

I'd pick true love. I think the difference between true love and the usual thing is much greater than b etween happiness and true happiness. I think true love and normal happiness would be better than true happiness and normal love.
Wuv...twu wuv.

Mawiage...Mawiage is what bwings us together today.

Though I wouldn't mind True Love...what about to blave...which means to bluff.
Scribe you just made me Geek Out.

True love is sacrifice, an ultimate surrendur of yourself to someone else. True happiness (joy) can only occur when we lose the "me"ism that our society is based around. They go hand in hand together.

I'm at my happiest when I'm serving Emma. It is the perfect fulfilment for me to see her look at me adoringly when I've supported her, championed her or made a sacrifice so her needs could be met.
I'll take neither But I crave for both. because if I find true love then I can have the happy. But in TRUE life there is always the downside of that. You may find True Love but that never last. You never can have your true love, becuaes it is doomed to fail.

NAAAWWw I'm just playing I don't think that is true but what I do know is that with the godd comes the Bad.
I'll take true love (which I believe I've found).

Happiness is a difficult thing because it is fleeting, a feeling. However, true joy is something to strive for. Joy is an internal state of mind. One can have joy while in a bad situation or good.

And I nearly choked on my Mt. Dew when I read Scribe's post.
Yes, I thought it appropriate since I was indeed picturing Cary Elwes in my mind while writing the post. I actually had a friend get married and their minister stared with "Wuv is what bwrings us togethew today." It was awesome!
kwilson said:
Yes, I thought it appropriate since I was indeed picturing Cary Elwes in my mind while writing the post. I actually had a friend get married and their minister stared with "Wuv is what bwrings us togethew today." It was awesome!

Did the groom say "skip to the end" followed by "say man and wife!"?
No he did not. I think if he had the bride's family would have gotten up and kicked his ass.

Question of the Day:

Who was your favorite Robin Hood?

Surprisingly, it's not Cary Elwes for me. It's the fox from the Disney version. He was my first exposure to Robin Hood and will always be my favorite. Although Cary Elwes is a close second.
Question of the Day:

Who is your favorite member of Monty Python?

Mine's Michael Palin. He's just so cute!
I'm going to have to go with Michael Palin as well. I guess when I first saw Holy Grail all those years ago, I just decided he was my favorite. He plays a good support character in a lot of the classic sketches involving him and Cleese like the above mentioned Cheese Shop Sketch. Also the Parrot Shop Sketch, and I can't remember if it was him or Idle in the Book Shop Sketch.

And Scribe, great Princess Bride reference a few QoTD ago.

"Explain the logic underlying that conclusion."
Question of the Day:

Who is your favorite SNL cast?

I have to go with the original cast. The first season was great. It was still awesome after Chevy Chase left, but Bill Murray didn't do as many pratfalls.
I'd probably say the early 90s. Mike Myers, Dana Carvey, Phil Hartman, Dennis Miller, Jan Hooks, Nora Dunn, Julia Sweeney, Kevin Nealon, etc (names may be spelled wrong as I did not imdb)

It was probably around this time that I got my first real experience with SNL, so they will probably always hold the top spot. Amazing Time Savers with Heather Locklear may be the greatest sketch they have ever done.