Question of the Day

Well, Jesus is an aspect of God, angels (seraphim, cherubim, etc.) were never alive, and the fey or fairies are supernaturally immortal...thus incapable of dying. I like the list featured on Wikipedia:

Since I'd prefer not being a tortured corporeal, or incorporeal, entity trapped between life and death chewing on my best friend's brain or sucking blood out of ecstasy-riddled, Euro-trash hipsters, I think I'll go with a revenant as well since there's a chance of completing a task like revenging myself upon my murderer or turning off the stove allowing me to cross over.
Question of the Day:

Which do you need more - internet or television?

I think internet because you can get a hold of most TV shows on the web nowadays.
we dont have cable. in lee we had one television channel: nbc. now we have like 9 on the antenna. i had intended on getting cable internet and possibly cable television when we moved but serioulsy 9 channels is enough for us. we use netflix to order loads of dvds and just watch those. HANDS DOWN I NEED THE INTERNET.
Question of the Day:

Who is your favorite James Bond?

Sean Connery, although Pierce Brosnan is a close second. Connery 's Bond was just such a bastard. It was great.
Sean all the way no one is even remotly close. Brosnan is cool but Goldeneye was the best thing he ever done.
kurruption said:
The one I was raised on "James Bond JR" God I can't believe I still remember that damn cartoon!

Yes I remember that cartoon as well. No one can stop him. I even had some of the toys. WOW now I feel old.........
Question of the Day:

What's your favorite theme park?

I'd have to go with Busch Gardens - awesome coasters, alcohol, and animals just wandering around. Nearly had a parrot collide with my head.
Islands of Adventure was AWESOME!!! I just totally geeked out on the Spider-Man ride, a ride my entire FAMILY could enjoy. I geeked out in LINE for the ride, where they had all these tiny details that made you know they thought it through.

I loved the start of the Hulk ride.

I enjoyed the Jurassic Park water ride.

The dueling dragons hanging coaster freaked me out.

And who doesn't love Dr. Seuss?

I think the park is still open. I don't see them shutting it down.
Question of the Day:

Who is your favorite author?

As an adult I suppose I have to go with Timothy Zahn or Janet Evanovich. When I was a kid, it was Roald Dahl all the way.
Tough one... Brian Michael Bendis, J. Michael Stascynski, Mark Millar, Warren Ellis, Garth Ennis, Alan Moore... too many...

As a kid, Robert Munsch.
As a little kid, it was Leslie McFarlane whose pseudonym for the 19 of the first 25 Hardy Boys books was Franklin W. Dixon.

As a teenager: J.R.R. Tolkien, Isaac Asimov and Frank Herbert.

Currently, my modern favorite have to be Jonathan Lethem (Fortress of Solitude, Motherless Brooklyn, Gun With Occasional Music, etc.).

Others include: Toni Morrison, LE Modesitt Jr., Charles Dickens, Robert Silverberg, Robin Hobb, Neil Gaiman, Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, Connie Willis, Tad Williams, etc.
Question of the Day:

Did you ever think we'd get to 1,000 posts?

I did, but that's because I knew how popular this would be from when I did it back in college.