Nintendo Fails


I do believe Intec makes controllers that use a lithium ion battery. Depending on which one and where you get it, they cost up to 50 bucks.

And even if that wasn't the case, you can but lithium ion battery packs for the PSP and DS for ten bucks.

And again, there is still no excuse to not include some sort of rechargable battery pack, lithium ion or otherwise.
I still don't understand how Nintendo is "gouging". If they said "You can only use OUR AA battries" then that would be gouging- but I have a choice when I buy batteries and my business most likely won't be going to a Nintendo partnered company.

If anything, Nintendo is cutting corners, which I would agree with. They are being cheapskates.


Intec currently has one rechargable controler but you can't buy it anywhere. Not even on the website. So what good does that do us?
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The thing is, they're not being cheapskates because they're making all the accessories, but selling them seperately so they can make more money. Which is gouging.
^That Intech controler with the Li Battery is listed as 59.99. If those nintendo controler cost 59.99 a piece how many do you think mommy and daddy, grandma and grandpa- or hell my girlfriend and I will buy at launch?

Not 4 that is for sure.

If they are 29.99 a piece because they don't have li batteries then that is a better trade off. Later I can buy the add on in my own time.
Do you think that they're actually going to cost 30 bucks? No damn way in holy high hell. Like I said, you can buy a new Li battery for the PSP or DS for 10-15 bucks. They probably cost 5 bucks to make. It wouldn't drive the price up any considerable degree.
lolz I highly doubt $30. Highly.

Meh, batteries are 1337 I'll buy some more then usual.
Well the I bought about 3 Wave Bird's and they cost me $29.99 each. So yea they will be $29.99 or $39.99 if it come with the Nun-Chuk. But to get both ( the Mote and Chuk ) For a deal of $29.99 thats a nice deal. And get this no Li batter pack the 360 does not have it and your charge $49.99. So who's got the better deal.
You think the Wii controller is going to cost the same as the Wavebird? The Wii controller with the motion sensor, blue tooth, speaker, nunchaku attachment (with another motion sensor) and pressure-sensitive buttons? I sincerely doubt it.
30 if it's just for the Moet not the Chuck part. If it came with that then 40 would be a cool price. remember the 360 wireless is 50 and it does nothing that the Xbox controller didn't do. So why would it be 50 or more for the Wii-Mote. 30 is a good base price. Plus the Chuck is an attachment. I think it should be 40 to get both of them.
They already said that they will come packaged together, and do you think that it'll really be worth buying it WITHOUT the nunchaku?

It would cost more because the Wii controller has an ass load of expensive components in it. A Blue Tooth chip alone is exclusive to high-end electronics because of its price. A built-in speaker isn't precisely cheap either. The pressure sensitivity in the buttons requires numerous analog pressure switches that aren't easily produced, ESPECIALLY when they aren't a uniform size like the PS2 or Xbox controller (the 360 doesn't have them for some unknown reason). Not to mention the sensor, and the port.
Less money right? Eveything about the Wii is to cost less. If it's 50 thats high but I see your point. But 40 is a nice price. To get both for the price of 40 is not a bad trade. But bluetooth is not all that bad. Some cell phons that come with BT cost aroung the $100 mark and it's a phone. I don't think Nintendo will make the price to high.
When has Nintendo been generous with selling accessories? All I can remember is paying for four Gamecube-GBA link cables to play Zelda Four Swords.

They're going to charge $50 at least. Then another $10-20 for the battery pack.
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I agree with the battery pack of $10-$20.

For the GBA link that was bull. But i never paid for my link cables, a friend of mine got the for a REALLY REALLY DIRT Cheap. But even so I don't think Fan Boy's like me really care, because I know the games wil be worth it.
Yeah, but if they end up controller'ing their way into being more expensive than the Xbox 360, will you care then?
NOPE I would not Care then. Do you care about the prices the 360 puts out for everything. DO you think it matters that the COntoller is 50, battery pack is 11 or play an charge for 20. Thats abotu 70 for just a contoller and charger. You can buy A GAME for that price. Fan Boys don't really care about what the price is as long as they can get it. The system was bought when I heard they were coming out with a new system. Price does not matter to me.