If I don't return, it's Ghost's fault

No wonder you were mistaken for a girl. If you like Lifetime there must be something misfiring in that tiny head of yours.
You say that now, just wait unitl you've been watching for 18 hours. At least the belt incident didn't last that long.
Lifetime, television for idiots.

Thank you all for the concern. The triangle did not get me. Harvey the Hurricane almost did though. Kurruption, the lack of Batman glass was almost a catastrophe, but the ship had a place where I could rent one for the week. You'd be amazed at how many people are crippled without the Dark Knight.

I hope no one has paid Ghost. I don't know who he has in his basement, but it is not me. Unless I am not me. I am reading Children of the Mind right now. I may not be myself.

Again thanks for caring. Kurruption, I have missed your strong arms and your life dancing. There was another guy on the ship who knew some Family Guy, but he only made me think of what I was missing back home. I tried to dance with some ladies on the ship, but they only pushed me away. And then hit me...and called me names...and reported me to the security personel who threw me overboard. But I still had my rented Batman glass and thoughts of you to keep me afloat. It is nice to return to where I am accepted.

I love you guys.
wow, that's the greatest thing anybody has ever said to me, sniff, sniff, stop, I am not going to cry, be strong, yeah, so katie yeah, you should know us better, you know we can drag this thing even further
I want to hear about all the girls he hit on and how he struck out every single time.
Ok, ok. I will relent. First, though, I did not push any old ladies overboard. The only person I would have even considered pushing overboard was this lady who was either really annoying or drunk all the time and therefore annoying. I went on the cruise with all of my mom's family in celebration of my grandmother's 90th birthday. Someone had the brilliant idea of having t-shirts made so we would look like super cool cruisers. Well, this psycho lady saw all of us one day and just started screaming my grandmother's name. Then every night she would stop by our dinner table and just ramble for a while telling my grandmother how they were going to party and everything. Damn she was annoying. But I am a pretty nice guy, so I didn't give her a close up tour of the Atlantic.

Let's see, I had two strikeouts and one that I guess didn't go anywhere. And all of these were girls. At a time when I am more creative, I will talk about the big beefy guys that for some strange reason BC wants to hear about. Ok, my immediate family went on a snorkeling excursion in Bermuda. There was another family on that event that had a daughter that I guessed was around my age. Plus she had huge tracks of land. And yes Katie, that was all I was looking for. So we started talking, and yeah, she turned out to be 18. For those who haven't been keeping score, I am 24. While that is legal, it is still a bit weird. My sister is 21 and watching her and her friends grow up it is just weird to think of someone who could have been my sister's friend as a major babe. Well, I thought we had a nice rapor going, but as it turns out I am an idiot. I saw her later that evening at the club on the ship, and she barely even nodded hello. She had already found several other guys who were 1) probably closer to her own age and maturity level, and 2) were much more cool and tough than I was.

Ok, out two. At same club on another night, I had a few drinks and was feeling alright. I mean Quagmire alright. Whatever that means. My cousin and sister were there hanging out with me. My cousin is a dude and one year older than me, but he is insano cool. But maybe not in the cool and tough way. So there are a group of girls dancing, and I think one of them is attractive and looks close to my age. While the club played numerous hip hop songs, they randomly threw in a golden oldie like "Buttercup Baby" or "Brown eyed girl." Well, several of the girl's friends began pairing off with guys, but the one I had my eye on remained alone. So I did the gentlemanly "may I have this dance" thing, and probably to her eventual regret, she agreed. Now as good as I am at writing and being an all around witty person, I am not the best dancer. I think I can keep the rhythm, but it isn't pretty. At least, no one has ever told me, "hey you aren't a bad dancer." Anyway, I tried to chat with this girl and once again, she turned out to be 18. While I am not the most outgoing person around new people and attractive females, I didn't think I opened foot, insert mouth. She excused herself after the dance, which I guess was a bad sign. I saw her a few other times around the ship, but she never made any effort to come talk with me. True, she might not have seen me, but I doubt it.

I did meet one girl who was 25. She was nice and we talked for a while. Then she just kind of wandered off, never to be seen from again.

I did meet this one guy who was pretty cool. I met him because he came up to talk with my sister. He could throw around the Family Guy a bit.

But there you have it. No love for Alex with the ladies. I wasn't necessarily looking to score, but some positive reinforcement that I wasn't a total loser would have been nice. Until next time on Alex swings the bat, but strikes out.
Well, the loss of the cruise sluts is our gain. I for one am glad that no one swept you off your feet, Alex. Then I'd have to go to all the trouble of hunting them down and disposing of them. And that is always such a hassle.