Hey guys!

true, I think an interesting thing about the Matrix was that the Wachowsky's originally wanted to cast Will Smith as Neo. Now I think it's hard to picture anybody other than Reeve's as Neo. It would of been interesting to see Will Smith portray "Jesus" of sorts. Especially with the huge debate that Jesus was black and the pictures you see at church are just the church's portrayal of him. This kind of reminds me of Dogma.

Rufus-"A black man can steal your stereo, but he can't be your saviour"
Don't get me started on Dogma. A wonderfully written movie with many good points about religion, as you mentioned. I heard that Kevin Smith visited some theater on opening night and there were a bunch of protestors. He joined them, even to the point of making a sign I believe, and talked with them to hear of their opinions. They, of course, had no clue who he was. He said they were nice, but most of them hadn't even seen the movie. I want to see Jersey Girl simply because he wrote it, but I heard it didn't get a lot of great press. I look forward to what he does next.

Probably my favorite Dogma line: Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer.

However, one of my favorite ones relating to religion: The nature of God and the Virgin Mary, those are leaps of faith. But to believe a married couple never got down? Well, that's just plain gullibility.

Will Smith would have had to stretch his acting chops to play Neo. In other words, usually he plays a character with some humorous elements. Neo did not have many such moments. I haven't seen Ali which is something he got a lot of great press for, so I really can't make the call on if he could have pulled it off. It definitely would have brought even more meaning to the idea of the saviour. I liked Keanu Reeves. I thought he played the part well. Some people might argue that he was playing himself well. So be it. It worked for the part. I like Keanu Reeves. I think he plays his roles well. Now, I haven't seen all his movies, but the ones I have, I thought he did well.
GQ had an article that Kevin Smith helped with about the best bad movies of all time... like guilty pleasures. He wrote this little blurb about this movie he heard that was being made, it had an awesome director, all the money it needed for a budget, tons of star power in the cast, and a great writer. He said that he only wished he could make a movie like that. The movie turned out to be Gigli. And, in a Shakespearean turnabout, he then got exactly what he wished for and made Jersey Girl.
jersey girl wasn't bad at all, I actually enjoyed it. At first I heard about j-lo and ben, then she went and died.....hooray. There is also a cameo by will smith which I thought was hilarious and really tied a loose end in the movie. I enjoy all of Kevin Smith's movies, including Mallrats.
Mallrats may actually be my favorite Kevin Smith movie. I really don't understand why it is generally panned. It has a lot of great lines. Plus Claire Forliani is a babe.
Perhaps with the fans that is true, but I just heard that it got a pretty bad general reaction. I heard that after the underground success of Clerks, this was going to be Kevin Smith's first "big budget" movie. Then supposedly it tanked. But hell what do critics know? I tell you, people who review stuff for a living are the lowest form of scum on this planet.

Wait a minute...
There are many movies which, if you consider their video revenues, make a ton more money than so called 'blockbusters'. Mallrats is certainly one of those movies. Office Space is another. Just because a film doesn't do well at the box office doesn't mean it's bad; some movies just aren't made for the big screen. They're made for sitting around with your friends why you and your girlfriend are under a blanket on the couch practicing the "secret way" to

This message has been pre-emptively censored, owing to the extremely high probability of upcoming unsuitable material. We apologize for any inconvenience.

-The Mgt. (midget)
midgets kick ass....first they have to climb up a stool and then they kick ass. I agree with the whole thing about movie reviews, personally I really like the punisher movie, Tom Jane version not Lundren. It is good to see a movie that has been kicked around so much develop such a rabid cult following, there is nothing better. Speaking of cult classics, Half Baked comes to mind as one of my guilty pleasures.

"I'm cuban, B"
"Yes, Cuban B."

One of my really good friends has Cuban as his nickname. I whip out "Right by the beach, BOY," a lot, as the answer whenever someone asks me where something is.

Yeah, I only listen to reviews from other friends. Most of the people who do it for newspapers and such, just flat out don't like movies. They never seem to like anything. It's kind of like, "well, why watch them, if you don't like them?" Another of life's great mysteries..
speak for yourself, I'm a pornstar and for fun I read shakespeare....ok I work retail and am studying to become a struggling graphic designer, I would of chosen another profession if I would of known how flooded the market was. Back to movies and critics, sometimes they are right, see son of the mask.

smilies aren't going to revive themselves, 4 more to 200, please make an effort to include a smiley on the last 4.

According to Comp Sci Dept. legend the smiley was invented at Carnegie Mellon...of course I think MIT and Stanford are also claiming it was invented there.
"without struggle there is no progress" Frederick Douglas

Now I know we all didn't sacrifice to reach this milestone in mygamer, but we did pour our blood sweat and tears into this. I want to thank everyone that contributed, from the old days Crystalus and Saint Bastard, to the current breed wijg, Bcampbell, ghost toast, kwilson, demi.

I would like to thank mcdonalds for always taking their time cooking those egg mcmuffins that I love so much, to everybody who always thought I wouldn't amount too much, to my girlfriend who always had non-interesting conversations with me that would allow me to think of what to post. To Seth Mcfarlane and everybody who works on family guy, without them we would probably still be on post 91.

Heres to 300

"Yo Adrien, I did it!" :b9:
so now that we finally reached 200, what should we do with this thing? We could take it out back and put it out of its misery
