Search results

  1. Solitudinarian

    Horrifying visions of the future of film.

    While reading up on some of the cinematic goings on in the works for next year and was tickled by some of the offerings (Transformers, Tenacious D, Bee Movie, Where The Wild Things Are, etc...), but then I came across 6 words that spelled out the ultimate doom and downfall of the Marvel film...
  2. Solitudinarian

    Unexplored game genres?

    Could there be such a thing as a NEW genre of game, arcade or console? Keeping in mind the state of current technology, where can the industry go, as far as interactivity is concerned. The first thing that comes to mind is a total immersion VR type game that was fooled around wth several years...
  3. Solitudinarian

    MG Points?

    What was the deal with the MG points? And how come they've disappeared? I had a bunch :(
  4. Solitudinarian

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    GTA4 won't be released for another 17 months (boo hoo) and for that reason, there is no real info available about the setting or gameplay, but it is never too early speculate. What additions to the franchise would you like to see, or what would like to go away in the next-gen version? I would...
  5. Solitudinarian

    Unsung games from the past.

    A truly great game from the SNES days that got no play at all was Weapon Lord. Developed by NAMCO in 1995, it served as a great predecessor to Soul Calibur as far as being a cool weapons based fighting game with a furious and devastating combo system. Though Weapon Lord was handicapped by a...
  6. Solitudinarian

    Ghost Rider Movie Teasers online.

    Just scoped out the teasers for Ghost Rider ( for HD) and despite some mildly decent imagery and the coolness that is Sam Elliot, there are three little words that spell the doom for this film: Mark Steven Johnson. He destroyed Daredevil and now he will utterly neuter Ghost Rider...
  7. Solitudinarian

    Assassin's Creed, possibly the coolest game yet for PS3?

    Ubisoft will release Assassin's Creed (a combo of the best parts of splinter cell and prince of persia) in 2007 for PS3. I have read a bunch and seen several clips and interviews about this game and it looks and sounds like the best game coming down the pipe. The button config sounds...
  8. Solitudinarian

    WTF am I missing with The Da Vinci Code?

    I have read the book and seen the movie and have been heartily intrigued by both, but never once was ever convinced that it was anything but FICTION. Despite the amount of research and effort put forth by Dan Brown, it is currently and will be for all time, FICTION. I managed a bookstore when...
  9. Solitudinarian

    Who perpetrated the assassination of JFK?

    There are theories abound (as everyone knows) as to who actually killed JFK. I put 10 options in the poll but look forward to reading what people really think happend in Dallas on November 22, 1963. I allow for multiple choices on this poll because many of the available theories overlap. Have...
  10. Solitudinarian

    What will be the fate for your old system?

    For those of you who are considering the purchase of one of the Next-Gen consoles, what will become of your current system?
  11. Solitudinarian

    Wii Virtual Console, best thing ever?

    For anyone still on the fence as to which next-gen system to buy and anyone who grew up with the NES, SNES, Sega Master, Genesis systems, this should be the ultimate convincer; Wii Virtual Console. This is a quote from the Nintendo website about it. Wii will have downloadable access to 20...
  12. Solitudinarian

    RPG elements in "action" games?

    Does the inclusion of RGP elements (i.e. 'experience' points for upgrades and character attributes) into "action" games add to or detract from the playability of these games? For example, The Godfather, a GTA clone, uses respect points to allow the player to build up certain features of the...
  13. Solitudinarian

    Next-Gen Fighting Games?

    I have been pouring over as much E3 coverage as one human being can stand and haven't come across any fighting games (besides some very, very limited Virtua Fighter 5 coverage). I have been dying to see some Tekken 6 activity since the teaser last year, and nothing so far. Am I just behind the...
  14. Solitudinarian

    Is a strong story more important than graphics?

    I recently replayed the first Tomb Raider and Tenchu and was surprised at how intriguing these titles still are despite their blurry backgrounds and low ploygon count characters. Given the graphic limitations at the time of their initial release, the developers had to rely a great deal on story...
  15. Solitudinarian

    Comic Books into movies poll

    There are literally hundreds of comic book characters that can still be translated into film. I selected a handful for the poll to facilitate the conversation, but please feel free to offer up amendments after you've voted. Some of the choices are already in pre-production, but it doesn't mean...
  16. Solitudinarian

    Trivia, Trivia, Triva!

    Greetings and salutations, tired of all this video game hoo-haa, then wrap your jerkied brain around these puzzlements: 1) What late 90s film features Sylvester Stallone and Jennifer Lopez in their only cinematic pairing? 2) What non-fiction book has the record for the most manuscript...
  17. Solitudinarian

    VHS, still relevant in this digital age?

    Who out there still owns a VCR? My guess is most of you do. How many use it more than once every 6 months? I still have a VCR connected to every TV in the house, but I'm not sure why. But I do have a neat little cassette collection with some real gems (WMAC Masters, Reboot, MST3K) and I'll...
  18. Solitudinarian

    PS3 game improvements?

    PS3 is undoubtedly going to be an outstanding and almost impossible to beat console when it is released, and will likely remain that way for several years. But what of the game content? Anticipation for such well known titles as: Tekken 6, Metal Gear Solid 4, Devil May Cry 4, and Motorstorm...
  19. Solitudinarian

    Reality vs. Fantasy

    Which games are more fun to play (or watch), those that strive for the utmost realism and poignancy or those that are completely original creations and steeped in the fantastic? For me, there is a time and place for either or both depending on mood and circumstance, but overall I think that...
  20. Solitudinarian

    Video Game Violence

    Here's a silly question. Does any rational person truly believe that video game violence translates into real life violence? if so, how could you possibly justify that argument? When was the last time you heard about a school shooting in Japan (arguably the largest producer of video games in...