Next-Gen Fighting Games?


New Member
Mar 21, 2006
Denver, CO
I have been pouring over as much E3 coverage as one human being can stand and haven't come across any fighting games (besides some very, very limited Virtua Fighter 5 coverage). I have been dying to see some Tekken 6 activity since the teaser last year, and nothing so far. Am I just behind the times or does nobody want to play fighting games in the next-gen formats. Help.
Hopefully these things flow in waves and we'll get a rush of (good) fighting games in future years. Japanese arcades have literally tons of fighting games popping up, many of which get released on PS2. These are only available as imports (of course). I remember seeing a Japanese gaming magazine at a local Japanese bookstore and it was packed with fighting strategies for at least half-a-dozen fighting games I've never even heard of. Heck, the cover game was a Fist of the North Star fighting game using the Atomis Wave system made famous by Guilty Gear. I think what will really propel fighting games back in the limelight in the next generation is GOOD online play with no hiccups and solid interfaces. That would unleash the competitive drive in many fighting game fans.