The Offical name for the Rev is reveled.

wijg said:
I'm bummed because I just orded a bunch of business cards for E3 with the title Revolution Editor on them. This could be a problem.

Wii Editor...going to take some time to get used to that.

Why didn't it say Nintendo Editor?

So i was thinking last night about The Rev..............I rufuse to say Wii in that form to many jokes..............And as I pondered over the concept I thought about the future of Nintendo. If this works then they may deter from the video game class altogether. Because it will no be a gaming console in general but A machine were you everyone can have fun with. See PS3 and 360 have a serious PC esque feel to it. But the Rev has a different feel.....................(That name is gonna have someof you making so many jokes to this post) it. It can so much more than just that. I have dreamed of what could been done with this system. This maybe the hosehold machine that will sit next to the DVD player. Just think of every aspect of the system and controller. Every game you have ever played games you never thought of can now come to life. Now I know I'm a fanboy but amyone could have tooken this step and i'd still get like this. Thing to me is that it will change the industry. Something Nintendo has done for the last 20 years. if you like it or not both SONY AND MICROSOFT WILL FOLLOW IN THE STEPS PROVIDED IN SOME WAY.
spudlyff8fan said:
I'm gonna go to my room, and play with my Wii. First I'll get it turned on...then i'm gonna pick it up and point with it and maybe swing it around...then I'm gonna get kinda sweaty...then....

yeah, you get my point. I made fun of the name by making reference to masturbation.

Ive made a lot of jokes since the name came out. But that was the best one yet!
Just because of the name I'm not buying one

I'm buying a PSP instead

Way to lose money Nintendo

Was that a Haiku?
KazamaYoshiku said:
Just because of the name I'm not buying one

I'm buying a PSP instead

Way to lose money Nintendo

Was that a Haiku?

So your gonna miss out because of a name. Tell me something Do you Yahoo? Or do you have a Tivo or a DVR want one? They have funny names. You can't sell yourself short because of the name. There should be a reason in not getting one. Like I really don't like the controller idea and i'm looking to play games that way. And really come on if you thought about getting one before the name change then that means you want to play one. So dish out that $200
I will only buy one if NIghts is made for it

but since that's even doubtful

that $200 is going toward a PSP
Hey thats' your choice. I will not waste another $200 on another PSP anytime soon. Lumines II will be great to have but The Wii is were my money is going. Sad you might miss out on some hotness for a protable Playstaytion ( and I mena that literaly )
This is kind of old news, but is still kind of humorous and touches back to the beginning of this post:


Happy E3 everyone!