Shameless Self Promotion


New Member
Jun 23, 2005
Okay, well in this case it isn't self promotion - but anyway.

Basil has started a novel online. And he's only going to keep writing if people actually read it on a regular basis and comment on it. I want to know what happens next so help me out and prod Basil into writing more.

Check it out at:
F****ing A I want to know more I'll have to finish it after work when I get Home but I will support you
Woot! My first cussing fan! That's awesome! Tell your friends! I'll do my best to get another chapter out by tomorrow.

Just to let you guys know, production will likely be fast at the beginning and then level off to a more manageable pace after a few weeks. I'm thinking of a schedule that has me putting out 2 or 3 chapters a week. Is that frequent enough to hold onto an audience?
Oh dude, forgot to ask: where can I order that made to print book you did a while back?

Errors? But it's signed.... ok, deal!

Next week, we shall get some Nintendo DS gaming in and I shall purchase this book from you!
Okay is you wanna keep the reader engulfed what I woul do is break it down to 2 chapters a week. Post them on a tuesday and tursday. That way we have the weekend to let is sit. On Monday we are waiting for more. Wed we are cool thursday more action fri, sat, sun we are hungry.

See you don't want to over feed us and also force yourself to give more story then you have. It helps keep it fresh and not over done. Thats the best way to go.
Well, 2/week sounds like a good pace once readership picks up. That will also give me time to make each chapter really good.

As for an autograph ... I can sign a piece of paper and then mail it to you for free, I guess. But if you want a copy of my book, "Disjoint", you can buy it from (just search for "disjoint" when you're there). If you want an autographed copy of my book, that's a little trickier. I have a copy I can send you, but payment might present a difficulty, as I'm not accustomed to online transactions with other private citizens.

e-mail me and we can discuss this, if you want ( Also, what did you think of chapter three of "The Underland"?
I liked it. very nice. for some reason or another I kept thinkg of of scens of Oblivian. Don't ask why. But listen It's good and I like it so far. Question though. Will you be willing to write a screenplay for me. I'll pay you, I mean we can work something out. My writing is not all that grate. But if your willing to help me pen a script that would be great.
WOW so it's not just me. That game did thins to me. I think it was the trem broad sword that did it. Sand the castle thing.