Guild Wars, anyone?


PC Editor
Jun 23, 2005
Columbus, Ohio
I was just thinking that I've been away for quite a lontg time and was wondering if anyone played? A night of fantasy-esque, MyGamer monster bashing could be hella fun. I know that ANdy and Amanda used to play as did a few others.

I'm off all next week and will try to be on (look for Kirin Widowmaker) but if I know peeps will be assembling I'll try harder to be on at a specific time. As I am an insomniac, I'll probably be on after 10:00 (eastern).

See someone there I hope.
Well I play when I bring my computer at my parents house ( I don't have internet at my apartment yet) Look for Justice Pavilion. I will add you to my friends list.

You guys still putting a guild wars group together?
Count me in!!
We can call our selves the "MG Cursaders", (with proper permition of course.)

Humm I would not mind making a MG Guild that would be very fun. I have been away from GW in a while but now I am "borrowing" my neighbor's internet connection and it plays GW quite well. too bad it can't download my pr0n just as well...
Its settled then. Who will do the web page? Perhaps Mygamer will provide a forum liink for it.

How many members before we go live?
gimme my greeen onions...gimmie my green onions...just gimmie my green onions...sorry Gantz refrence great anime everyone should pick it up.

Anyways im in but I highly doubt we have enough people to make a, you know, a good guild -_-