boring???? lets play

If you don't know, don't answer. And I'm not going to tell you. If you want to know, use google.

So once again:

Christina Applegate or Christina Ricci?
kwilson said:
If you don't know, don't answer. And I'm not going to tell you. If you want to know, use google.

Translation: Katie says answer the damn question right next time or she'll reach through your computer and smack ya around a little. :fryingpan (Unless that's something you're into. In which case she'll have to think up something else.)

Anyhoo, I'll take Ricci even though she has a forehead the size of two normal human beings. Applegate's gettin' up there in age, and Ricci has a good body. I couldn't care less about their movies though.

fantasy football or video game football
Whoa, sorry K! And I did use google right after I posted that, and Ive seen Applegate before, but not Ricci.

And video game football.

trophies or medals
Medals. you can wear them.

If you were a superhero, would you keep your identity a secret (for safety and to keep a different life) or would you go public?
flight is so cool so it wins hands down

If you had any kind of powers would you save humanity from it self or destroy it
save it. you can always change your mind later, but not if you start with destruction.

A life full of wealth and anonymity or fame/notoriety and non-wealthy
Wealth and anonymity. I dont care if who knows who I am as long as I can buy whatever I want.
Plus, no paparrazzi joking about how poor I am...

Basketball or baseball
baseball is way more fun to play although basketball is more exciting to watch

so we'll go with baseball

the eternal high school curriculum question:

spanish or french?
I call repeat that question was asked already.

But I'll answer anyway Spanish cus thats where all the fine spanish women went to get easy A's

Dell or HP
Mongols. Ghenghis Khan had the largest land empire in the history of the world. Beat that.

Most impressive civilization: Ancient China or Ancient Greece.
Athens because of the art. Sparta was a military force, but their men lived in barracks. Away from the women. And were known for keeping the soap on the floor.

Greek empire or Roman?
Vikings, for two reasons, I don't know what a visigoth is and I'm too lazy to google it, and I really enjoyed the old Blizzard, lost vikings games on the snes

thin crust or regular
I find crust preference hinges on the place making the pizza - but I prefer thin crust for the most part

new periodic table (in a spiral shape) or the old, tried and true periodic table