boring???? lets play

Golf - at least in tennis there are sweaty, attractive people grunting. Not old guys in ugly pants.

Lumberjack sketch or Spanich Inquisition sketch?
CSI - more attractive actors (although Benjamin Bratt is the cutest of them all)

iPod or internet radio?
Dude iPod all they way...................I have the whole 1st season of the O.C. and Ong Bak 2 along with seaon 1 of weeds. some Lost epidsodes, and the 2500 music songs, not too mention the 46 music videos, and 100 photos...............yet I wonder why my CPU runs sooooooo slow.

PSP or the Microsoft Zune
I have very little knowledge of the Zune, but it could be very good, plus I never really liked the PSP much...

Calvin & Hobbes or Garfield
Three stooges. They get extra points for bring on scooby-doo...

John Lennon or John Legend

(and no I dont know the difference off the top of my head)
Chris Rock - he's more consistently funny, although I adore them both

Christina Applegate or Christina Ricci?