xbox360, could it win the counsil war??


New Member
Apr 26, 2006
we all know that this years consil war is the biggest one yet, but right now mygamer is split in half, its between the nintendo fanboys and the playstation douchbags. but really we forgot about the system that may not have the graphics and the BLUE RAY ( whoop d' fucking do) or the motion sensor controls and the gamecube graphics, 360 has one thing that the nintendo and playstation doesnt have. no, its not the head start. its the games. i can already say that halo3 and Gears of war will explode to be huge success, but let us not forget the other games. deadrising, lost planet, bioshock, fable2, grand theft auto 4, assiasans cread, and a lot lot more. but lets take a step back and look at all the other systems games.

ok so heres pretty much all playstatsion has to show for games,
world war 2 combat shooters.
racing games.
karaoke...............wait thats it? oh of coarse thats it they have been having the same crap since they first made games. playstaion1 started something, playstation2 just you know.... made it ripetive.

now for nintendo. lets see what thay have.
metroid......ok same as last time too,
but people say " oh well of coarse nintendo isnt going to be able to compete with playstaion" well i dont know if playstation can compete with the entire country of japan. were nintendo rains king. but also people are saying( actually spudly is only saying this) that " nintendo is marketing wrong." what are they doing so wrong? is it making a system that is different then all the others? or is is the fact that more people will be able to afford a Wii the a ps3? tell me spudly, TELL ME YOU X NINTENDO FAN BOY!

so nintendo still has the same games, playstation has the same games, but 360 doesnt..... so does this mean that 360 can stop the repitive chain of games? well so far they are, and the will continue to do this. and let also not forget that halo, one of the biggest games EVER, is going to be for the 360, and if you monitored the halo2 explosion that people bought an xbox just for halo2, whats form stopping form doing this again?
actually, a year-end report (located somewhere on this site as well) said that Sony owned over half the market, leaving Nintendo and Microsoft to battle it out for the rest.
Could they? Hell yeah. Will they? Maybe.

Really, Sony has alot of stupid, unbased anger against them, which'll hurt. And Nintendo is Nintendo. They're bound to screw something up.
spudlyff8fan said:
Could they? Hell yeah. Will they? Maybe.

Really, Sony has alot of stupid, unbased anger against them, which'll hurt. And Nintendo is Nintendo. They're bound to screw something up.

hahahaha. I'll second that. This first year of Sony and Wii will be crucial for Microsoft. If there are many launch problems (and yes, Nintendo does tend to screw things up), then all Microsoft has to do is stay strong and keep producing good games and good service. They won't even have to do anything more than they already are if the other guys are making mistakes. People like reliable.
Well thing for MS is that they keep getting all those nice little titles that are to only be for the PS3. Assains Creed, GTA4 and Posible (rumor) DMC4............which I will never buy on the 360 NEVER.............And there are a few others that the PS3 will get along with the 360. COD3, NSF Carbon, Merc's 2. I mean they could take the crown. I do think the Really REALLY if Nintendo sided with MS to de-thrown Sony they could do so.
GT isn't an exclusive. It really hasn't been for a while. Assassin's Creed is made by Ubisoft. Ubisoft almost never ever ever makes exclusive games. DMC4 probably won't make it to the 360. But I WOULD love it.
Well in this day ang age excluisive no longer means just for that system. What is meant by it by todays standards is "I get the game first and you don't :b" thats really what i wanted to say. But with a game like Assiains Creed which was thought to be just for Sony is not making way to my 360. So I just saved myself $600 bucks. But when we are talking GTA I mean yes it has graced the Xbox but only after the Sony release. Having it come out right along with the PS3 is HUGE for MS. Also lets not forget RE5 (Resident Evil 5) is making way to the 360 as well. Being that I like the 360 controller I more than likly will love to have it on the 360. Sony controller suck balls.
MS will be stiff competition for everyone. But it would be terrible for us gamers if they won the console war.

Competition breeds innovation.

The best we can hope for is that the 360 will be hard competition for both sony and nintendo. This would hopefully force everyone to push the medium forward to a new era of gaming. Nintendo seems to already be blazing new territory (good for them, and good for us). Sony may be lagging for the first time in their video game history, but they are far from dead yet. The wii is innovating in hardware (which creates an innovation in gameplay). I expect sony and ms to fight it out over software innovation.

All are tough competitors, and it is going to be an awesome show! I can't wait!
It should be impossible for the Console Wars to end with this battle. Bonz is right about competition. Like I've said before, I want Sony on the ropes. Nintendo has been losing ground for years, so they got all innovative on us. I want Sony to belly up to the bar and dazzle us once again. But with the dazzlement must come a reasonable price. I realize they are taking one on the chin with each unit sold ($200), but now that the hardware has been pushed to a new level, let's take the software another lightyear or two forward. I don't want anyone to go out of business, just to go beyond the status quo.
Okay heres How I see it or think it will go down. MS will take crown in the US and Europe. Sony and NIN will battle it out in Japan for a year or two. But eventually Sony will still be top dog, but NOT in sales. Nintendo will shower the Japan market with weird games that we will never see and plus the Japs love their DS. Back in the states the Wii will be a hot seller for a while. The PS3 will make it's numbers then die a slow death. ( who really will pay $650 for a system with no games, I mean after the tech junkies and we a year or so in the life $650 is a lot.) So this just leaves MS to stay calm because the battle is already won. All thats left is for us to chose a Side. I'm Wii and 360 all the way.
hmmm, theres not brainer who will win in japan, Nintendo controls the land of the rising sun with a Wii mote :conicalha ( i guess thats suppose to be a smilly face for something.) playstation and Microsoft will have blood shed on America, but thanks to the delay, microsoft has time to pull out the big guns, and i mean halo3. they have had more than enough time to make this puppy, and if the rumors are true, its comming out this hoilday season, as well as GOW.
so the 360 should sky rocket is sales considering people bought an xbox just for halo1, and halo2.
as for europe......well i dont really care for europe.
Europe has been slow in becoming an important market, but they are an important third place. I agree, Prince, that the PS3 sales will drop significantly after the hardcore gamers rush out and buy one. And if Halo3 doesn't come out this Christmas, it can release first or second quarter next year and definitely kill sales of those who passed up the PS3 or couldn't get one initially (I do predict a "shortage" and long lines of geeks salivating over being the first kid on their block with one).

The war won't be lost within the next 6 months, but a major battle will be. The more people who put a 360 in their homes, the less likely they will shell out another $600+ for a PS3 (sales, warranty, and peripherals could total $1000).

The next crucial battle has more to do with casual gamers than the hardcore ones. If Blu-ray takes off and everyone decides their next gen tech will be the BR, then expect more PS3 sales. If it swings more to the HDDVD side, then mom and dad MIGHT buy a PS3 for Jr. to play in his bedroom or seperate TV, but the one hooked up to the big screen in the living room will be the 360.
Uhh.....the PS3 is the #1 most-wanted console in Japan and most of Europe. The PS3 will drop significantly in America to the NON-hardcore gamers, but that's it. Granted, America is the place that matters most, but the PS3 is still going to make oodles of money for Sony.
Let's get anal about it Spuds. The PS3 is going to lose them $200 per console sold. The things to hook up to it and the games played are going to be the cash cow.
Yeah. I know. The PS2 console didn't turn Sony a profit until earlier this year. But they've made BILLIONS off it.

Taking a hit on each console is NOTHING. And since Sony has a monopoly on the disks that the companies will put the games on, they're in a position to make even more profit than the PS2.
Hmmm, I didn't know that last part. They may get themselves into the same spot Apple was in that allowed Wild Bill to kick them in the teeth. I see a divergence of paths here. Sony is limiting the number of people who can make games for them by restricting use of their Blu-ray tech to only those who ante up to have the privelge of making games for them. Microsoft is opening things up for anyone to make games via their new package for game design.

IF (and that's a big IF) companies don't want to fork out more dough just to make games for the PS3 AND Microsoft is making it easier and cheaper for people to make games for the 360, logically speaking, some companies might bail on Sony. Is that why several top games that used to be exclusive to the PS2 are now coming over to the X side?
The thing is, the people who aren't developing for the PS3 anymore simply don't matter. The developers who really COUNT are Square-Enix, Konami, Capcom, Namco etc are all sticking around, and really, Final Fantasy XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4, Tekken 6 and Devil May Cry 4 are more than enough to sell a console. Even if Ubisoft, Take 2, Majesco and Sega jump ship (which they won't) then the console will STILL rule because they don't really count as much as the other ones. The only third party that isn't already completely commited to the PS3 that matter is EA. If EA pulls out, THEN there's a huge-ass problem for Sony. But not until then.

And even so, SNK says differently. They just recently got helped back onto the Sony boat (after being mercilessly thrown overboard) and they are a very low-budget publisher. And they're going to be working on PS2 disks because of their backwards compatibility on the PS3. Really, if SNK can figure out how to get onto the next-gen trail, anyone can.

And almost all the games that seemingly got diverted to the 360, or lost their PS3 exclusivity, really didn't. Games like Splinter Cell Double Agent and Oblivion were never really even intended to make the move to the PS3. They were just kind of speculated for possible release which was generally accepted as a definite. But it wasn't. As for the exclusive titles, the only one was Assassin's Creed. And really...we all saw that coming. When did Ubisoft start making exclusive titles? Now, there's the popular rumor that was based on Itsuna's interest in the Wii and 360 that Devil May Cry 4 was going to end up on all three consoles. That's still relatively possible, but it probably won't happen.