what are you watching

Kurruption, I would say that I am looking forward to Family Guy more. While the Chappelle Show has had some great ideas, FG has risen to a more iconic status in my mind. Maybe that is because I have been watching FG for longer tthan CS. I was very surprised that Chappelle didn't do something to comemorate Rick James's death. I think he could have done something that was funny without being disrespectful to the deceased. I have heard FG isn't until May. When does the new season of CS start?
I think the new season of CS comes out in May as well. As far as Rick James "RIP", he passed way after the season of CS was complete, I believe he'll do something this upcoming season.
Anybody watch the amytiville horror remake, I want to go see it, but I don't want to walk out as pissed off as when I went to see oceans 12, so please let me know
i did it
yes i did
after all this time
but i did it

i watched AVP
it was no to bad not as bad as i thought it would be
had some good stuff i am an alian person myself did they win ??? and is the goin to be AVP2??? :q:
Don't Panic

I saw Hitchhiker this evening. I thought it was slow at parts, but there were plenty of times where I laughed out loud. The cast was wonderful. I don't know if they could have gotten around the slow parts. I don't fully remember the book, but it probably isn't an easy story to portray visually. I need to go back and read the book again. From my love of the book, though, I was so excited to see the movie that pretty much nothing short of a two hour infomercial for the latest ab machine could have let me down. But that is me and movies. If I go see a movie, I have already decided that I am going to like it.