Things That Suck

quoting Winston Churchill via Civ 4 - interesting

The cast of the original Star Trek rocks
Discovering that although normally going commando creates no problems, when wearing a rented tuxedo at a friend's outdoor wedding in August causes a bad itching sensation. (happened to one of my groomsmen at my wedding. Asylum, you'll know him as the D0GG!)
Not being able to find your car keys because someone moved your car and didn't put them back where they belong - thus making you late for work.
The meaningless and annoying ritual of exchanging ornaments at work. I don't like most of these people, an not of them enough to want to spend my meager earnings on their sorry butts!
More because my room is south facing and the sun now comes into my room earlier and wakes me up. I'm screwed until early Febuary.

Being a light sleeper sucks.
There are advantages to working 5 minutes from home. However, the disadvantage of way too much local gossip outweighs it.