Super powers?

Why have you lost faith in Wikipedia, BC?

And another interesting way to do the mind control thing is to use cyborg parasites. The parasites enter the host and secreet(sp?) chemicals that influence the brain patterns, etc. The parasites are controlled remotely by you, electronically.
I think the power over probability may be the most powerful super power. Oh is Galactus heading this way? I just turned him into a potted plant - crisis averted. That is why The Scarlet Witch rocks.
you see i have two mutant powers. I can conjure a peanut butter sandwich at anytime out of nothing.

And I can change coke into pepsi and pepsi into coke just by looking at the glass it in.
I want to have the power to make women climax by spining around in a cool pose and going "booyah!" while having my fingers pointed in a gun like position. I heard that Chuck Norris has this power, I want it too.
ActionHank said:
I want to have the power to make women climax by spining around in a cool pose and going "booyah!" while having my fingers pointed in a gun like position. I heard that Chuck Norris has this power, I want it too.

The super power to best all super powers right there. Action, that may be the best answer I have ever heard. This idea will somehow find its way into one of my books. I bow before your genius and desire that super power as well.
ActionHawk, I believe you have Chuck Norris confused with ME!

I'm back to doing genetic experimentation. I had a few classes in neurobiology and, volunteers would be appreciated.

I offer the child midget!!!
I...ahem...the government did away with reasons...for years i made a living capturing the run aways...then I made a living releasing them into society...

now...I make them in the genetics lab!
you should mate the caught oompa loompa's, tape it, and then make a killing, midget porn is on demand my friend, seriously, just recently I went with some friends to a porn store *yes females as well* and they were completely sold out of midget porn
I read the first thread and decided not to read anymore and make my comments.

Invisibility!!! This one is for perverts, people who would like to be invisible to walk into a bathroom to watch some girl naked taking showerrs and the like.. So whoever said this is a perv!!! Realize ur problems and get help right away.

XRAY VISION!!!! Well you know exactly why you chose this you perv!!!

Me personally, id think id take being small like an ANT and having the power of a strong normal human... How sweet would that be!!! Well maybe not but its real comic concept or how about being made of sand and able to transform into sand sculptures.. Or how about being Lizardman and being a lizard man?!?! Maybe id love to be blind and have some super sense.. hmm super powers?!? I think not.. Unless of course I was a perv..
Umm I choose the power of a full nights sleep in only 30 minutes. Why not less time you may ask. 30 just seems like a nice round number and I figure that everybody... even superheroes... need at least 30 undisturbed minutes in their day.
the 30 mins for a full day of rest is a very vey good one, but again most super heros have a weakness and this is a problem. So I think a great power would be whenever someone wants to hurt you and look at you, you instnatly become what they fear teh most. But personally i would choose as someone said jedi powers and a light saber no ones gonna fuck with you if you have a lightsaber

Yeah, don't know how a lightsaber would hold up to a full-on assault by an pair of apache helicopters. Or if all else fails, nukes. Heck, most couldn't even take a bunch of Jango Fett clones.