ps3 is it going to be that good?

We all hope it'll be good. But nobody has a clue whether it'll end up being as good as Sony says it will be. I personally, am betting against it.
Maybe. I thought that it was before they started to add the additional media stuff. Now they have got some convincing to do.
Come on guys PS3 games is not going to be any beter than Xbox 360 are paying for technology that aint going to be relized until 3 or 4 years from now.
I'm betting against the PS3 being all that and a box of chocolates. Sony will eventually come out with little upgrades...maybe. They are pushing hard to make it better than a 360, but I think they are going to struggle with it. There are too many holes in their plan for it to work as smoothly as they want.

I expect the release date to be pushed back until summer or even this Fall.
As I understand it, the release date is tentatively Q2 2006... which means there isn't really a release date. Q2 could mean as late as June. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it actually launched in Q3.

Like the 360, the PS3 will likely amaze graphically but have no truly groundbreaking launch titles. It won't be until at least 2007y that all three new consoles really start to gain momentum and we see some really interesting games.

The dirty secret in gaming for the next 6 months or so will be the PS2. There are a horde of great games that have just released and which are coming out in the first half of 2006 thatthe PS2 is relaly going out with a bang -- old hardware or not, 2006 is going to be a great year for PS2 owners.
Would that possibly be counter-productive for the PS3? If you can still play great games on your PS2 (and new ones still coming out) it seems like there would be less incentive to jump at the first PS3.
It's mainly the hardcore gamers that get a console initially, the ones willing to lay down the big bucks and spend the time in lines. They'll jump regardless, and there's as many of them as PS3s they'll produce initially.
PS3 should favor pretty well..................I have to wonder how effectively their online service will fair against Xbox Live????............I don't know what true plans are in place for the future Xbox Live Service.........But it will have a significant advantage, considering it would have already had a year to build strength.........
I'm betting on Genius. I would do it a week or two before, so everyone rushes out to get it. It is a dangerous game they play, though. One thing that will help Xbox is if the PS3 doesn't have a strong lead game.
That's not gonna happen though, as DMC4 and Tekken 6 are both supposed to come out early in the PS3's lifecycle, if not a launch title. Dare I say this...but I think that mops the floor with Call of Duty 2 and Dead or Alive 4...

though I do like DOA better than Tekken.