ps3 is it going to be that good?

I dunno i see it more as a slap in the face to Sony by Microsoft saying, "Hey we are going to take some of your spotlight on the big day, because we hate you :smile:"

I really dont see it hurting sales for either Halo 3 or the PS3. I mean the PlayStation fanboys will have been waiting for PS3 for quite a while now along with the 360/Halo fans. And the people that have been waiting for a PS3 i doubt will have their minds changed to go get a 360 and/or Halo 3. Also you would think the people who have enough money to dish out the supposed big cost of the PS3 could easily afford Halo 3 as well, if they have a 360 already of course. But like I said the playstation fanboys will have their mouths watering an i doubt anything will change their mind to not get a PS3. Microsoft is just giving sony the big corporate middle finger.

Same goes for Halo 3. The 360/Halo fanboys will have been waiting for this game since Halo2 and we all know how big the Halo 2 launch was. So same goes for them where i think they wont be distracted with the PS3 in order to get their beloved Maste Chief kickin ass for a 3rd round.
BCampbell said:
The dirty secret in gaming for the next 6 months or so will be the PS2. There are a horde of great games that have just released and which are coming out in the first half of 2006 thatthe PS2 is relaly going out with a bang -- old hardware or not, 2006 is going to be a great year for PS2 owners.
If BC's right I'll be happy. I've been a one-console man for a long, long time (most recently GC) but I just gave myself a PS2 for Christmas.
Yeah......I love the PS2 games coming out. KH2, FF12, Dirge of Cerberus, Suikoden 5, Xenosaga 3, Grandia 3, Drakengard 2, Splinter Cell Double Agent, Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams, MGS3 Subsistence, Star Craft Ghost.....

Good stuff, but the Xbox and GCN are sooooooo deficient.....cept Zelda.