Canada vs. America

ridiculous is what we do. i appreciate you playing along, you are a pretty good sport.

for the record, i visited toronto once and thought it was beautiful. my wife and i have spoken of moving to canada on several occasions, especially when the draft scare was upon us...and right after bush's re-election.
Bah. Don't come here. It's too bloody cold in the winter. If you must, move to British Columbia, preferably Vancouver Island. Nicest weather in the country. Hardly snows at all and there's surf enough to hang ten once in a while.

Spuds just got to me, is all. It's one thing to poke fun, it's another to totally undercut a Nation's worth and dignity.
I find that last hard to believe, especially when he got so up in arms during the first health/diet argument a month ago or so.

If he means nothing by it, he shouldn't get upset when I call him a fat horny cow who can't get up off the couch to chase a woman let alone reach his own penis to masturbate. Too bad, too, cause it's nice and lubed from all that 20 piece bucket of fried chicken he's been eating over the last half hour.

Hey, I'm just pushing buttons. I don't mean anything by it.
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The NAFTA thing actually helped big businesses and Mexico. Freightliner for instance (the top manufacturer of semi's) opened up a factory almost immediately. Now stuff is made there and shipped here and to Canada. Yeah, I can see how the average Canadian gets it in the end, but so does the average American. Funny thing is, Mexicans still pour across the border.
I had thought about moving to british Columbia/Nova Scotia myself. I was surprised upon hearing how mild (relatively) the weather is. I guess the sea acts as a buffer. I too have visited Canada a few times (I used to live in Michigan, which is the most Canadian state in the U.S.) and love it. It also gives me a chance to practice my French. yes, I speak a little bit of French. Very little. I decided it would be my own way to repay them for helping us actually exist as a country. C'est la vie, as they say.
I'd like to move out there myself, actually. But the fact that my entire family but one sister and her family lives in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) prevents me. The sister lives in Dallas, TX, and I'd never move there, mostly because I've been there in August and I almost died. 104 degrees in the middle of the night simply isn't natural.
what the hell happened to this thread? I leave and come back to an argument aboot canada?

i just wanted to make a comment about what bc was saying about cutscenes in videogames, but i guess we're talking about cananda now
Just leave it alone. If the discussion needs to go back to Star Ocean, then let it, but to delete such an interesting discussion would be needlessly rigid.