Butterflies in my stomach...


PC Editor
Jun 23, 2005
Columbus, Ohio
I just sent off my final Civilization IV wallpaper samples to Fraxis... I've never worked on such a large project and it's freaking me out. I really hope they like them.

OK, I'm going to go throw up now... :hissyfit:
Don't worry - I'm sure they're great.

You have to let me know which ones you did so I can brag about how I know you when it comes out.
As soon as they release me from my NDA I will. As far as I know, the six I just sent them will be their official walls for the entire game. I hope they get back with me soon- if I don't hear something before the weekend, I'll be a freaking basket case come Monday.
Oh I am just so proud of you. I bey they're fabulous! And if they're hunting for an associate producer please give them my name. :wink:
Just think of all the girls u will get once your wallpapers become offical.. Chicks dig gamers..
Oh yeah, I overhear chicks all the time talk about that kind of stuff . "Oh the guy who was the lead programmer on the Sims is so dreamy." "Ooh the level designer for City of Villans is a hunk." Just sit back ImagoX, and let the groupies come to you.
i'm in an NDA too. yay! i hope i get the job! it's with a company based in illinois that makes games! i suppose they dont care if i say the name of the company...volition....oh man that would rule...took the test today...can't talk about that, i'm sure that's the big part....or all the secret weapons i saw them stockpiling. oops. shouldnt have mentioned that.

i wonder...if i work for them...i will have to get super-top-secret-clearance to report anything to the mygamer cause as to what volition is up to. or i'll probably get canned.

good luck imagox, btw.
You too, Toast. I loved Volition's Descent:Freespace. See if you can talk them into making another sequel, OK?

What would this hypothetical job be? You know... if such a job were to exist (which nobody's saying it does). Design work? Art?
I find your new avatar disturbing. I like Kevin Smith as much as the next person - but the wink is too much.