boring???? lets play

slow and clean - easier to clean up and not leave evidence

travel cross-country in a car or a train?
ive done both. they are both uncomfortable in their own way. but overall, i think having the car is more exciting -- especially if someone can share the driving. but if you mean ALL THE WAY across the country...then maybe i should go with train...i've never done the entire thing.

walk a mile uphill or downhill in the snow (this question is bizarre. i apologize. my brain has had it)
i thought it was funny when people first said tar-jhay

and it still is, because yuppies pay more for less there than at walmart, while thinking they are better than the wal-martians. And maybe they are. But it’s still funny to make fun of yuppies.

yuppies or hillbillies
yuppies - having attended a hillbilly wedding I prefer anything else

strip mall or shopping center?