black victims of usa

AjaKun said:
It's important to remember that no matter what your personal feelings are and whether you personally hold prejudices or racism in your heart, there is so much institutional discrimination built into the widely accepted beliefs of this country, and it's businesses and government. While racism and sexism may not be on your mind, or you may not consider them to be important issues in your day to day live, they are prevalent and affect peoples' lives every day in small and large ways alike.

AjaKun has a point. Lets face it, if you are white and you saw a white guy and a black guy walking you would probally be more intimated by the black guy. Now some people take that as raceism, but a good degree of that is just society and how many of black people you hang around with vs. whites. The problem is that sometimes these natural reactions plays a part in some people getting jobs, or help, or anything.

As to pertaning to that post the guy made. Besides the obvious racisim that the journalist made in those pictures. It was almost right on the money. New Orleans has one the highest poverty rates in america and its also has the highest murder rate in america I believe too. So a huracaine comes through destroys just about everything, complete law and order breaks down, and this is what you will get every time. A bunch of people looting. The thing about New Orleans is that the entire city is full of poor black people, so it looks bad on TV when you see black people looting and you think they are the only people doing it. But it issent black people who loot, its poor people who loot. Now why the poverty rate between black and other races in New Orleans is so high, thats another discussion all together.

Don't blame the Journalists...even Wolf Blitzer from CNN made the same mistake.
GhostToast said:
fact. crimes occur in areas of poverty. less money equals more crime.

Depends on what type of crime you're talking about. Violent crime? Yes. But there are other types of crime that are just as damaging to society that don't happen in ghettos, and aren't done by minorities. In fact, most people don't think of things like corprorate crime or embezzlement when they say "crime"; those are types of crimes almost excusively perpetrated by white men! So, yes, if we define "crime" as "those types of criminal behaviors perpetrated by poor minorites", then it will look like most crime is perpetrated by poor minorities.

For anyone who wants the truth about life in a minority ghetto, I suggest a book called Amazing Grace by Johnathan Kozol.
spudlyff8fan said:
I think everyone will agree that violent crime is a much bigger problem than white-collar crime.

I think that depends. See, society pretty much knows about violent crimes (and they're over fairly quickly most of the time), but some of those big corporate Enron type crimes go on for a long time. They steal millions upon millions and wreck thousands of lives. And in some cases white-collar crime can be the reason for a violent one. I'm certainly not trying to trivialize violent crimes, but I just don't think its always so cut and dry.
Yeah, but Enron didn't deliberately and directly hurt people. The unintentionally indirectly hurt people. Cutting peoples pay in order to pad stock prices isn't nearly as bad as beating them to death with a baseball bat.
it's not nearly as passion-driven, and so it doesn't tend to bother or affect us as much. but to hurt people's ways of lives is pretty harsh too man. that's slowly killing off potentially hundred of families...who have to go without many nicer things in order to survive.
spudlyff8fan said:
I think everyone will agree that violent crime is a much bigger problem than white-collar crime.

Okay, aside from taking issue with the deal about Enron deliberately and directly hurting people (people who worked for them lost their jobs, and all of their retirement funds, while the heads of the company still made out with millions, and remember those rolling blackouts in CA? That was Enron):

Let's talk about drug related crimes. If you were to look at the statistics, it would seem like mostly poor people of ethnicity are more prone to drug crimes. But drug usage is practically even across the board, so what's happening is that poor, black people are getting arrested and convicted more often, while better off, white people either get a slap on the wrist or are sent into rehab instead of jail. There are even institutionalized pressures; look up the differences in sentencing between cocaine and crack possession. In most places, possession of crack is a much more sever crime and gets stiffer penalties. Now think about who uses crack, and who uses cocaine.

What's really sad is that when we're talking about crime statistics, we don't have a complete picture at all. Did you know that for all crimes reported, only 20% are ever closed, meaning we know who the perpetrator was? So we're going on numbers from only one out of five crimes. In addition, when you look at self-reported numbers, the racial bias that seems so apparent in criminal justice statistics starts to disappear, leading many people to question the accuracy.

All I'm saying is that there are some unfair things out there, many people in this country are treated unequally, and we don't know all the facts.
The rolling blackouts in California were caused by tax increases and price-setting on powerplants, making many of them shut down or relocate.
spudlyff8fan said:
The rolling blackouts in California were caused by tax increases and price-setting on powerplants, making many of them shut down or relocate.

"Just cut 'em off. They're so f----d. They should just bring back f-----g horses and carriages, f-----g lamps, f-----g kerosene lamps."

California's attempt to deregulate energy markets became a disaster for consumers when companies like Enron manipulated the West Cost power market and even shut down plants so they could drive up prices.

Just one of many articles on the subject...
its the same thing the gas companies are doing now for motor fuel man. it's all about driving demand up. this first happened in the nineties when someone finally figured out that they werent making enough profit. do you think that there is really a shortage on oil? not really. it's all fear driven prices...cause we have to buy it no matter what. i cant believe gas is back up to 3 bucks again. this angers me so much...and do we have any hope that the gov will step in? probably not much...cause bush has serious oil connections.
Stop trying to pump up your post count, Toast.

Besides, even IF you get a better pet, my "monkey cock" will pnwz it.
