Xenosaga was a huge disappointment


New Member
Nov 15, 2014
Back in the PS1 days, I waited for so long for a Xenogears sequel to arrive. It never came. However, my hopes came alive when I heard that they were developing Xenosaga for the PS2. They said that it would use the same premise as Xenogears. I was excited. With it coming to the PS2, certainly it would be awesome!

But you know what? Xenosaga is nowhere near the greatness that was Xenogears. The story is nothing to write home about. The characters seem to be very uninspired. The locations are very darn boring. They should have remade Xenogears instead.
It's a matter of opinion, I personally enjoyed 1 as it was created by the same team that made Xenogears, it wasn't the same but I gave it a shot. The thing about Saga was that it's supposed to be a prequel to Gears. Initially the concept was to make the series span 7 games and with it tie it in with Gears.

I don't think Saga is supposed to compete with Gears, but rather be a supplemental piece that would build up to expand on the world and give a deeper background of the universe. 2 and 3 were just blegh since the original creators of Gears and Saga 1 were sacked from the project.

Honestly it's like comparing apples to oranges.