WOW...Look what I found


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Last night Katie was talking about her dreams and how wijg always seemed blurry in them, cause of a bad picture. So I snooped around...and found these:


There is Wijg...I really don't want to know what he is about to do...


There is Katie and I, I am on the left and Katie is on the right(if you weren't sure) But can anyone identify the two..uh males with us.


And Stan is done throwing pickles at me. So I took a picture of him....
nice try, I remember this cheesy cartoon, I think it was called Captain N the game master, or something to that nature, The supporting cast kicked ass though, Megaman, Simon Belmont, Kid Icarus, and I think Samus was in this, I know the main villian was mother brain though. Damn now wijg is going to start foaming at the mouth due to this. And anyways wijg is more like Doogie Howser
I don't remember Samus in it....but I never saw the whole series.

I remember MegaMan, Link and Zelda, Kid Icarus, Simon Belmont (yes...that is who it is supposed to be) Mother brain and king hippo was in it.
I had no idea such a show exisited. I'm going to have nightmares about this now.